Nataliia Sokolovska
Nataliia Sokolovska is a researcher and project manager in the program “Knowledge and Society”. She works on the interface between academia, policymaking and society and is interested in ways to provide better decision-making based on evidence from research. She deals with questions concerning quality in scientific advice to politics, explores ways of how to increase societal relevance of research and foster openness and integrity in this process. She is part of the IMPaQT-team that focuses on quality in science communication between academic and non-academic audiences.
Apart from that she is one of the editors of the blog journal “Elephant in the lab” about current problems of the scientific system. In 2021 she was an advisor in the CRISP – the Crisis Science Project of the German Ministry of Education and Research, dedicated to developing a prototype solution for providing evidence in public decision-making during acute crises as COVID-19. Before, Nataliia was leading the project DREAM carried out by the HIIG together with the FZI Research Center for Computer Science, where a platform and mobile application was being developed to support the search for freely available scientific content. Furthermore, she was leading the technical production in the massive open course ACTiSS – an educational project aimed at fostering the development of computational thinking among social scientists and is carried out by the University of Warsaw and University of Groningen.
Prior to her position at HIIG, Nataliia gained extensive experience in online journalism and worked as an editor and project manager in the Ukrainian and Russian departments of Deutsche Welle (2012-2017). She studied “International Relations” at the Institute for International Relations of the National University of Kyiv (Master and Bachelor) and completed a postgraduate Master’s degree in European Studies at the Free University of Berlin and the Technical University of Berlin.
- Science & education
Action for Interactive Anti-Polarisation Learning Experiences for a Better Democracy
The ACTILPEX consortium provides students and other interested parties with the tools to understand mechanisms of polarisation and to counteract them. - Science & education · Science engagement
Capacities and competencies in dealing with hate speech and hostility towards science
This project develops strategies to make the science system more resilient to high publicity negative statements. - Politics & law · Science & education · Science engagement
Repository for scientific policy and society advice
Political decisions are increasingly based on empirical research results. The project makes advisory documents specifically searchable and develops quality standards.
- Science & education · Society & culture
Scholar-led Plus: Tailored support for scholar-led publishing
This research project aims to improve the publication situation of scholar-led, non-APC open access gold journals through a consortial support structure. - Science & education · Society & culture
IMPaQT – Indicators, Measurement and Performance of Quality Assurance: Third-Mission-Activities in the Social Sciences
The research project “IMPaQT” is about making knowledge transfer from research to society measurable through quality criteria and indicators. - Science & education · Science engagement
ACTiSS: Action for computational social science
This educational project aims at fostering the development of computational thinking among social science students and young professionals. All digital training and teaching materials... - Science & education · Society & culture
DREAM (Digital Research Mining)
As part of the DREAM project, a mobile application is being developed that simplifies the search for scientific open access publications and suggests suitable... - Politics & law · Society & culture
Wahlkompass Digitales
Click here for Wahlkompass 2021 Digital policy will be a focal point of the German federal elections in 2017. More than ever, the elections...
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Fecher, B., Kunz, R., Sokolovska, N., & Wrzesinski, M. (2024). Platformisation of Science Conceptual Foundations and Critical Perspectives for the Science System. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries, 34(1). DOI: 10.53377/lq.16693 Publication details
Sokolovska, N., Ellersiek, A., & Fecher, B. (2024). Scientific policy advice on sustainable development: lessons learned from the Dialogue between Scientific Councils in Germany. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s13412-024-00972-8 Publication details
Fecher,B., Kuper, F., Sokolovska, N., Fenton, A., Hornbostel, S., & Wagner, G.G. (2021). Understanding the Societal Impact of the Social Sciences and Humanities: Remarks on Roles, Challenges, and Expectations. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 6. DOI: 10.3389/frma.2021.696804 Publication details
Fecher, B., Khan, R., Sokolovska, N., Völker, T., & Nebe, P. (2021). Making a Research Infrastructure: Conditions and Strategies to Transform a Service into an Infrastructure. Science And Public Policy, 48(4), 499–507. DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scab026 Publication details
Sokolovska N., Fecher B., Wagner G. (2019). Communication on the Science-Policy Interface: An Overview of Conceptual Models. Publications(Third Mission and Societal Impact). DOI: 10.3390/publications7040064 Publication details
Sokolovska N., Burmeister R. (2019). Pocket Library for Open Content: Untapping the Potential of Green Open Access for Research. Open Science Fair. Publication details
Sokolovska, N. (2018). DREAM – Digital REseArch Mining: pocket library for open content. Open Access in Berlin/Brandenburg 2018. Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Fecher, B., Deacon, B., Ingen-Housz, T., Sokolovska, N. (Eds.) (2020). An Unlikely Experiment., Twentyfourty - Utopias for the Digital Society (pp. 9-15) Berlin: Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3678207 Publication details
Fecher, B., Sokolovska, N., Friesike, S., Wagner, G. (2019). Governance von Forschungsinfrastruktur am Beispiel von Open Access. In W. Bredemeier (Ed.), Informationswissenschaft. Hat die Informationswissenschaft eine Zukunft? (pp. 430-443). Berlin: Simon Verlag für Bibliothekswissen. Publication details
Working paper
Sokolovska, Nataliia (2024). A digital infrastructure to support mediation at the science-policy interface. The transformation imperative: Expanded Evidence for inclusive policies in diverse contexts, proceedings of the INGSA2024 conference, 5th international conference on science advice to governments (INGSA), 1-4. May 2024. Publication details
Berr, K., Broer, I., Feldner, D., Harmsen, T., Schöppl, N., Sokolovska, N., van Scherpenberg, C., Staemmler, J., Wagner, N., Walter, C. & Zoth, L. (2022). Der Crisis Science Hub: Krisenresilienz stärken durch systematische Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung. Institut für Innovation und Technik (iit)(03/2022). Publication details
Fecher, B., Sokolovska, N., Völker, T., Nebe, P., Kahn, R. (2020). Making a Research Infrastructure: Conditions and Strategies to Transform a Service into an Infrastructure. SSOAR. Publication details
Jager, W., Abramczuk, K., Komendant-Brodowska, A., Baczko-Dombi, A., Fecher, B., Sokolovska, N. and Tom Spits (2018). Looking into the educational mirror: why computation is hardly being taught in the social sciences, and what to do about it (EA). Social Simulation 2018 Conference. Publication details
Other publications
Sokolovska, N., Rothgang, M., Schönig S., & Bergschneider, H. (2025). Repod – Access to scientific expertise. Guidelines for the support of scientific policy advice. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details
Sokolovska, N., Rothgang, M., Schönig S., & Bergschneider, H. (2025). Repod – der Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Expertise. Leitfaden für die Unterstützung wissenschaftlicher Politikberatung. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details
Weingart, P., & Sokolovska, N. (2023). Between societal relevance and autonomy. Elephant In The Lab. Publication details
Lyniuk O., Nord G. & Sokolovska, N. (2022). Running from missiles: How Ukrainian researchers experience the war. An Interview by Nataliia Sokolovska. Elephant In The Lab. Publication details
Deacon, B., Laufer, M. & Sokolovska, N. (2022). Sharing knowledge: Impact of Covid-19 on digital teaching. Digital society blog. Publication details
Sokolovska, N. (2022). ploc – an app to discover and improve research. Elephant In The Lab. Publication details
Fecher, B., Sokolovska, N., Kuper, F., & Fenton, A. (2021). Impact der Gesellschaftswissenschaften – (Wie) Kann man ihn messen? Publication details
Timm, M., Sokolovska, N., Kuper, F., Mosene, K. (2021). Fehlende Digitalpolitik bei den Triellen der Kanzlerkandidat:innen – Eine Emanzipation der Wähler:innenschaft. Digital society blog. Publication details
Fecher, B., Sokolovska, N., Kuper, F., & Fenton, A. (2021). Impact of social sciences – (How) Can it be measured? Elephant in the Lab. Publication details
Fecher, B., Sokolovska, N., & Hebing, M. (2019). Teaching Impact is Key to Make Science Socially Relevant. Generation R. Publication details
Fecher, B., & Sokolovska, N. (2018). Medien, Politik, Wirtschaft – wer profitiert von eurer Forschung? Publication details
Fowler, N., Meijer, G. (2018). What’s the big DEAL and why is it so difficult to reach? Elephant in the lab. Publication details
Fecher, B. & Sokolovska, N. (2017). Digitale Forschungspolitik. HIIG Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Combating social polarisation with educational gamesSIG 20 & 26 CONFERENCE 2024 (Digital, Analogue, and Hybrid Learning Spaces: Rethinking Dialogue, Inquiry, and Argumentation). EARLI. Dorotheenstraße 24, Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin: 18.09.2024 Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska, Agata Komendant-Brodowska
How can open science platforms connect science and policy-making?EASST/4S 2024: Making and Doing Transformations (Session: How can open science platforms connect science and policy-making?). European Association for the Study of Science and Technology and the Society for Social Studies of Science. Online, Amsterdam, Netherlands: 16.07.2024 Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska, Freia Kuper
Hate Speech gegen Wissenschaft: Wenn Wissenschaftler*innen angegriffen werdenLange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024. Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany: 22.06.2024 Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska
Wie schutzbedürftig sind Wissenschaftler? – Die „Forschungssprecher des Jahres 2023“Treffpunkt Wissenschaftskommunikation. Wissenschaft kommuniziert - Blog. Online, Berlin, Germany: 04.12.2023 Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska
Environmental History Meets Public Policy (Session: Mapping science-for-policy ecosystems in Europe and Germany). The International Panel on Environmental History & Policy (EnvHist4P). Online, Online, Online: 01.06.2022 Further informationIrene Broer (HBI), Nataliia Sokolovska
Societal impact of SSH research: The main challenges and ways to address themSocietal impact of SSH research: The main challenges and ways to address them (Session: Societal impact of SSH research: The main challenges and ways to address them). Institute for Societal Resilience (ISR) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Institute for Societal Resilience (ISR) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands: 05.04.2022 Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska
Setting the scene: Scientific Policy Advice. International MappingNetzwerktreffen des BMBF zur Zukunft des Dialogs zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik – Das Crisis Science Project (CRISP) und KrisenKomplex stellen sich vor (Session: Setting the scene: Scientific Policy Advice. International Mapping). Institut für Innovation und Technik (iit). Online, Berlin, Germany: 24.01.2022 Further information
Irene Broer (HBI), Nataliia Sokolovska
The pocket library for open content : improving the discoverability of OA researchScholarly Communication Conference. University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom: 03.05.2019 Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska
Praxis der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung: Qualität und EffizienzPraxis der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung: Qualität und Effizienz. Naturkundemuseum Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 01.11.2018
Nataliia Sokolovska
Wahlkompass DigitalesWahlsalon Berlin. Open Knowledge Foundation. Open Knowledge Foundation, Berlin, Germany: 01.09.2018
Nataliia Sokolovska
Wahlkompass DigitalesCheckpoint bpb - Die Montagsgespräche. Bpb Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 11.09.2017
Nataliia Sokolovska
Wahlkompass DigitalesWahlsalon in Köln. Open Knowledge Foundation, Köln, Germany: 07.07.2017
Nataliia Sokolovska
In guter Gesellschaft? – Algorithmen und DepolarisierungMitmacht 2024 Festival. FaktorD Hub für Demokratie. Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany: 05.09.2024
Nataliia Sokolovska
Advances in Capability Development for Science Advice - Frameworks and ToolsINGSA2024. The International Network for Governmental Science Advice (INGSA). Kigali Convention Centre, Kigali City, Rwanda: 02.05.2024 Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska
Moderation of workshops and panels
Kommunikative Aspekte der Orientierung und des Schutzes für Wissenschafler:innen in der ÖffentlichkeitExpertise unter Druck, Orientierung und Schutz für Wissenschaftler:innen in der Öffentlichkeit. Zeit Stiftung. Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany: 29.02.2024 Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska
Organisation of events
Train-the-Trainer-Programm (2)From 29.10.2024 to 29.10.2024. Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Berlin School of Public Engagement (BSOPE) am Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (MfN) und der Scicomm-Support (National) Further information
Sascha Schönig, Nataliia Sokolovska
Dealing with hostility in science communicationFrom 23.09.2024 to 24.09.2024. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Berlin School of Public Engagement and Open Science (BSOPE) at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (MfN)Berlin School of Public Engagement (BSOPE) am Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (MfN) and the Scicomm-Support (International) Further information
Sascha Schönig, Nataliia Sokolovska
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft22.06.2024. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Philipp Mahlow, Birte Lübbert, Maurice Stenzel, Alina Kontareva, Daniel Pothmann, Nele Buß, Irina Kühnlein, Sarah Spitz, Freia Kuper, Sami Nenno, Freya Hewett, Frederik Efferenn, Georg von Richthofen, Sonja Köhne, Bronwen Deacon, Matthias C. Kettemann, Thomas Christian Bächle, Nataliia Sokolovska, Martin Wrobel, Jörg Pohle, Hendrik Send, Theresa Züger, Jeanette Hofmann
Train-the-Trainer-Programm (1)From 06.06.2024 to 06.06.2024. Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Berlin School of Public Engagement (BSOPE) am Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (MfN) und der Scicomm-Support. (National) Further information
Sascha Schönig, Nataliia Sokolovska
Digitaler Salon: Unable to Reconnect30.03.2022. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Online, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Sarah Spitz, Nataliia Sokolovska
Open Research Library Launch Event10.03.2020. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska
Impact School 201930.09.2019. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Impact Distillery (mStats DS GmbH), Leibniz Research Alliance Open (International) Further information
Nataliia Sokolovska, Marcel Hebing, Benedikt Fecher
Das Ende der Transparenz?Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2018. 09.06.2018. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Berlin + Potsdam (National) Further information
Alexandra Giannopoulou, Tuukka Lehtiniemi, Nataliia Sokolovska, Lisa Gutermuth, Christian Djeffal, Shirley Ogolla, Sönke Bartling, Matti Grosse, Wolfgang Schulz, Kirsten Gollatz, Christian Katzenbach, Benedikt Fecher
Media appearances
Verständnis für Wissenschaft nimmt ab, Anfeindungen nehmen zu (23.08.2024).
Further information
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft und Hate Speech gegen Wissenschaftler*innen (22.06.2024). radio eins
Further information
Viele Forschende werden laut Studie angefeindet und bedroht (16.05.2024). DW (Deutsche Welle)
Further information
Von Beleidigung bis Morddrohung: Viele Forschende werden angefeindet (16.05.2024). Focus Online
Further information
Viele Forschende werden laut Studie angefeindet und bedroht (16.05.2024). DW
Further information
Fast jeder zweite Wissenschaftler von Anfeindungen betroffen (16.05.2024). Frankfurter Allgemeine
Further information
Fast jeder zweite Wissenschaftler erlebt Anfeindungen (16.05.2024). Spiegel Online
Further information
Ein digitales Repositorium für Politikberatungsdokumente (24.08.2023). Table.Media: Research.Table
Further information
So läuft wissenschaftliche Politikberatung in Deutschland (11.07.2023). Table.Media: Research.Table
Further information
Angriffe auf die Wissenschaft. Wenn Forschende Ziel von Hass und Drohungen werden (26.06.2023). ORF Ö1 Digital.Leben
Further information
Article (30.07.2021).
Further information
Impact der Gesellschaftswissenschaften – (Wie) Kann man ihn messen? (02.06.2021).
Further information
Verständnis für Wissenschaft nimmt ab, Anfeindungen nehmen zu
radio eins
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft und Hate Speech gegen Wissenschaftler*innen
Viele Forschende werden laut Studie angefeindet und bedroht
Spiegel Online
Fast jeder zweite Wissenschaftler erlebt Anfeindungen
Table.Media: Research.Table
Ein digitales Repositorium für Politikberatungsdokumente
Table.Media: Research.Table
So läuft wissenschaftliche Politikberatung in Deutschland

Head of Research Programme: Knowledge & Society
Topics: Anti-Science Sentiment in the Digital Space, Scientific Policy Advice,