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open science resources

Open Science Resources & Tools

Explore the practical open science resources and tools offered by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) to support open science projects. Our aim is to facilitate collaboration and provide research-based recommendations and best practices for conducting research in alignment with open science principles.

The Open Access representative of the HIIG, Marcel Wrzesinski, is always available for questions on open science. In addition, there are regular workshops on open science and open access at the HIIG.




Marcel Wrzesinski, Dr.

ELADOAH | Open Access Officer


Explore HIIG’s approach to providing a unique perspective on open science.

Open Science FAQs for Authors

There are practical and political reasons for publishing Open Access (OA). From a practical point of view, the free availability of one's own publications leads to a broader reception; and the more widely one's own work is received, the greater the expected impact. For this reason alone, it is advisable to place at least a proportion of one's own publications in Open Access journals and book series.

However, the political reasons set out in many of the founding documents (e.g. the Budapest Declaration of 2002) of the OA movement seem to be more important: Making scientific results available for free re-use is a self-commitment within the framework of good scientific practice; making this re-use free of charge for readers* is an imperative of fairness. Both points are all the more important because electronic access to and availability of scientific literature is the new publishing standard.

Open Science FAQs for Research Projects

Most research funding bodies, especially public ones, have recognized the relevance of OA publishing and have implemented corresponding mandatory or mandatory provisions in their funding regulations. Important public research funders in Germany, such as the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), do not have an obligation to publish OA, but do have a clear requirement to publish project-related research results in OA. Both the DFG and the BMBF offer flat-rate project payments to fund OA publications. In addition, both the European Research Council and the European Commission (in the context of Horizon 2020) emphasize the importance of making publications and research data available in open access.

In a broader, international context, overarching initiatives have emerged to develop contemporary strategies for OA transformation for research funding as a key stakeholder. An example of this is the cOAlition S and its guidelines: in the so-called Plan S, 10 principles are set out, supplemented by detailed implementation guidelines. These principles make, for example, free licenses, fair publication fees and a 100 percent OA publication quota mandatory for participating institutions.


Diamond Open Access organisieren und finanzieren: Wie kann das gemeinschaftlich gelingen?

Research issue IN FOCUS

Du siehst eine Bibliothek mit einer runden Treppe die sich in die höhe schraubt. Sie steht sinnbildlich für die sich stetig weiterentwickelnden digitalen Infrastrukturen unserer Wissensgesellschaft. You see a library with a round staircase that spirals upwards. It symbolises the constantly evolving digital infrastructures of our knowledge society.

Open higher education

We explore the use of open higher education & edtech to create, share and disseminate knowledge for all in our knowledge society.

Open Science Reading Resources

On our blog, we are explore and analyse open science concepts, ideas and policy making within the European context and beyond.

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The blog journal spots problems in science

You have probably heard the phrase “ the elephant in the room” to say that there is a problem that everyone knows, but no one talks about. As of July…

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DeepGreen: Open-Access-Transformation

Supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the DeepGreen project aims to transfer academic publications which can be made freely accessible into open access. This process will be automated using…

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Crowd Science

Online platforms offer a variety of opportunities for volunteers to engage in the process of knowledge generation. How are Crowd Science projects brought into being and how do they work? An insight….

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Open Access or: Recapturing autonomy

With regard to open access, the academic world is once again on the verge of reverting to a dependence on large publishers. But it doesn’t have to be this way,…

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Open Science in the Land of Ideas

We are very happy that our Open Science Project got the “Deutschland – Land der Ideen” award We made a short video to celebrate. Wir freuen uns, dass unser Projekt Opening Science* im Wettbewerb…

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Looking at Open Science through the Prism of a Social Dilemma

The essence of open science is to make the whole research process transparent and accessible. The idea of open science can be traced back to the days of the emergence…

External Open Science Resources

FAQs zu Open Access der DFG

Open-Access-Strategie des BMBF

Allgemeine Informationen des deutschsprachigen Informationsportals zu Open Access

Informationsseite des HIIG zum Thema Open Science

Infoseite des Internet Policy Review zu Open access

Open Education and Software Association e.V.

Hamburg Open Online University

Digitale Lehre am KIT

OER Repositorien

Bildungsserver Berlin Brandenburg

UNESCO Recommendations on Open Science

UNESEO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER)

UNESEO Understanding the Impact of OER: Achievements and Challenges Publication

Open Science Framework

LMU Open Science Center Resources

Reproducibility Network Resources

OER Info Grafik