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Du siehst ein paar der gelben und blauen Spielkarten auf einem grauen Tisch liegen. You see a few of the yellow and blue playing cards lying on a grey table.

…of Computer Science and Politics Artificial intelligence is a complex umbrella term that is difficult to define unambiguously. While AI is a branch of computer science that involves the technical…

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HIIG Expertise

…Internet, Ethics Guidelines for Algorithmic Decision-Making Maximilian von Grafenstein, Prof. Dr. Topics: Data Protection Law, Data Governance (Sharing of Data, e.g., Data Act, Data Governance Act), AI, Regulation of Innovation,…

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Inside Hugging Face

Analysing Hugging Face helps us to understand the dynamics of the machine learning hype

…in terms of compute and money. Accordingly, one would expect that most large models come from companies or universities and it is also their models that are downloaded the most….

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