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The plurality of digital B2B platforms

The image shows blue dices that are connected to eachother, symbolising B2B platforms.

…economy: A new offshoring institution enabling emerging-economy microproviders. Journal of Management, 0149206318786781. Liu, J. (2018). Industrial mash-ups: A disruptive new partnering form will accelerate innovation – again.$FILE/ey-industrial-mash-ups.pdf, Accessed Oct…

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Debunking Science Myths: Preconceptions about science put to the test

The picture shows a hand with a pink glove and a cleaning spray, symbolising that this blog post wants to get rid of popular Science Myths.

… Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (1949). GG – Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. (2022). Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice. Code of Conduct. Fecher, B., Kuper, F., Sokolovska,…

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No Smartphone = Cringe Weirdo

The photo shows a group of young people all looking on their mobile phones, showing that someone with No Smartphone is excluded and perceived as weird.

…his kids: Teaching with 10sec-TikTok-fingerfood is the future When I taught at university, I felt Fisher and Louis CK very much. I presented the semester reading material for the…

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