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Digitaler Salon: Data Kolumna

Data Kolumna

…datengetriebenen Inhalten?   Digitaler Salon – Data Kolumna 27.05.2020 | 19.30 Uhr | Livestream   Die Moderatorin Katja Weber (radioeins, Deutschlandfunk Nova) diskutiert mit: Wiebke Loosen, Senior Researcher Journalismusforschung am…

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The coronavirus pandemic and its impact on cybersecurity

…other countries, an unpublished U.S. report says. The Washington Post [online]. Retrieved from:  Thales (2020, March 24) COVID-19 Cyber Threat Assessment:  Retrieved from: share   share  share  share  email …

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Data Protection as a Service

Data protection as a service | HIIG

  The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires website and blog owners to comply with legal requirements on data protection. In order to be able to achieve this at…

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