Philip Meier
Philip Meier is an associated Doctoral Researcher at HIIG and responsible for Business Operations and Partnerships at the Berlin-based technology Startup Peregrine Technologies. He further has been a doctoral student at the Institute for Electronic Business (IEB) since 2018. As part of his dissertation, Philip is interested in governance and business model development of digital platforms in B2B markets. Prior to his research at IEB & HIIG, Philip gained practical experience in the Group Digitalization Department at Volkswagen in Wolfsburg, where he was responsible for manufacturing-related business model innovation.
- Entrepreneurship & innovation
Data Cooperation Platforms for SMEs
The project Data Cooperation Platforms for SMEs (DaPla Mittelstand) is exploring how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in data-rich markets can better participate... - Entrepreneurship & innovation · Society & culture
Gemeinsam Digital
_Gemeinsam digital, the Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Berlin, is a central contact point for all companies in Berlin and nationwide that have questions about digitization. Our... - Entrepreneurship & innovation
Entrepreneurship Research Lab
Our Innovation and Entrepreneurship team is a transdisciplinary group of researchers at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society (HIIG).
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Meier, P., Friederici, N., Krell-Sun, T., & Trabucchi, D. (2024). Strategies for Designing and Growing Business-to-Business Platforms A Study of Six Cases Across Industrial Sectors in Germany. Research-Technology Management, 67(2), 44–56. DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2023.2299633 Publication details
Meier, P., Köhne, S., Wolf, M. & Gerling, C. (2022). Supporting Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in the Digital Transformation – Reflections on a Flagship Support Program in Germany. The Digital Revolution and the New Social Contract series, Center for the Governance of Change, IE University, 1-17. Publication details
Gerling, C., Meier, P., & Koehler, C. (2022). AI meets Digital: A Critical Review on Artificial Intelligence in Digital Entrepreneurship. ECIS 2022 Research Papers. Publication details
Trischler, M., Meier, P., & Trabucchi, D. (2021). Digital platform pactics: how to implement platform strategy over time. Journal of Business Models, 9(1), 67-76. DOI: 10.5278/jbm.v9i1.5908 Publication details
Friederici, N., Meier, P., & Gümüşay, A. A. (2020). An opportunity for inclusion? Digital platform innovation in times of crisis. Pioneers Post. Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Meier, P., Stocker, V., & Schildhauer, T. (2024). Imperative zur Abgrenzung der strategischen Implementierung digitaler Plattformgeschäftsmodelle im B2B-Bereich. In D.R.A. Schallmo, D. Kundisch, K. Lang, & D. Hasler (Eds.), Digitale Plattformen und Ökosysteme im B2B-Bereich. Schwerpunkt Business Model Innovation. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. Publication details
Göcke, L., & Meier, P. (2022). Business Model Development for Autonomous Electric Vehicles in Shared Fleets in Multinational Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). In K.Degirmenci, T. Cerbe, & W. Pfau (Eds.), Electric Vehicles in Shared Fleets (pp. 125-144). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. DOI: 10.1142/9781800611429_0006 Publication details
Meier, P. (2021). Digital platforms as drivers of innovation. In V. Nestle, P. Glauner, & P. Plugmann (Eds.), Creating Innovation Spaces – Impulses for Start-ups and Established Companies in Global Competition/Management for Professionals (pp. 183-191). Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. Publication details
Meier, P. (2018). Digitale Plattformen als Innovationstreiber. In P. Plugmann (Ed.), Innovationsumgebungen gestalten. Impulse für Start-ups und etablierte Unternehmen im globalen Wettbewerb (pp. 207-217). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. Publication details
Working paper
Krell, T., Braesemann, F., Stephany, F., Friederici, N., & Meier, P. (2020). A Mixed-Method Landscape Analysis of SME-focused B2B Platforms in Germany. Social Science Research Network. Publication details
Other publications
Ulich, A., Hammerl, L., & Meier, P. (2021). Geschäftsmodellinnovationen. (02). Publication details
Meier, P. (2020). Berliner KI-Ökosystem im europäischen Vergleich auf Augenhöhe mit London und Paris. ki-berlin Blog. Publication details
Friederici, N., Krell, T., Meier, P., Braesemann, F., & Stephany, F. (2020). Plattforminnovation im Mittelstand, . Publication details
Meier, P., Friederici, N. (2019). Den Blick weiten: Digitalisierung im Mittelstand. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Managing Digital Platforms and EcosystemsCourse at BI Norwegian Business School (Session: Managing Digital Platforms and Ecosystems). BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway: 19.06.2022 Further information
Philip Meier
An exploration for value capture mechanisms in platform-orchestrated networksInternational Conference on Design and Technology. Technion, Haifa, Israel: 18.06.2019 Further information
Philip Meier
The Platformization of EverythingPresentation. Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, Haas Business School, University of California, Berkeley, USA: 22.04.2019 Further information
Philip Meier
Kooperation zwischen Startups und MittelstandMittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Regionalkonferenz Berlin. Gemeinsam digital: Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum. Mercure Hotel Berlin Tempelhof, Berlin, Germany: 08.11.2018
Philip Meier
Geschäftsmodelle auf digitalen PlattformenCEBIT 2018. BMWi. CEBIT, Hannover, Germany: 12.06.2018
Philip Meier
Organisation of events
Digitaler Salon: Blinded by the Hype?30.11.2022. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Online, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Daniel Pothmann, Sarah Spitz, Matthias C. Kettemann, Philip Meier
PLATTFORM . MACHER TAGE (PLATTFORM . MACHER TAGE)PLATTFORM . MACHER TAGE. From 09.06.2022 to 10.06.2022. Gut Hühnerhof, Gründau, Germany (National) Further information
Philip Meier
Digitaler Salon: KI – Die Letzte räumt das Internet auf31.03.2021. Livestream, Berlin, Deutschland (National) Further information
Natasha Vukajlovic, Philip Meier, Christian Grauvogel
Policy Co-Creation Workshop17.06.2020. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Federal Ministry of Finance (National)
Tina Krell, Nicolas Friederici, Philip Meier
Research Team "The Digital Revolution and the New Social Contract" at IE Madrid.Sonja Köhne, Fabian Stephany, Philip Meier, Miriam Wolf, Christoph Gerling
Media appearances
“Talking about Platforms” Podcast (02.03.2022). “Talking about Platforms” Podcast
Further information
Relaunch - Konferenz am 17. und 18. Februar 2020 in Berlin: Antworten auf brennende Fragen der Digitalisierung (20.01.2020). Finanz-Nachrichten
Further information
Wie verdienen digitale Plattformen ihr Geld? (20.09.2019). digital publishing report
Further information

Associated Doctoral Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society