Open science for digital transformation: CAIS becomes co-editor of Internet Policy Review journal
From now on CAIS and HIIG will co-publish the renowned open-access journal Internet Policy Review.
Simba: Intelligent Text Simplification for a More Inclusive Internet
Simba’s mission: to make the internet more understandable for everyone. The AI app is the first free German text simplifier designed specifically for end users.
From Hate Speech to Death Threats: Hostility towards Science is a Serious Problem
The first nationwide representative study of German researchers shows how widespread hostility is in science.
Unlimited access to knowledge: German university library embraces Diamond Open Access journal
The Internet Policy Review Journal is now cooperating with the University Library of the UdK Berlin to promote open access to scholarly knowledge.
From disinformation to hate speech: Platform Governance Archive reveals how social platforms regulate our communication
The Platform Governance Archive (PGA) has released a systematic collection of the corporate policies of major social media platforms.
The responsibility of science: Experts encourage proactive use of ChatGPT with new ethical standards
A Delphi study explores how big language models like ChatGPT could change the science system.
Democracy on the internet: Platform councils as an advisory tool for social media
A research team has released policy recommendations for creating independent bodies to monitor social media platforms.
Empowerment, fairness and visibility: Tackling gender issues in tech and AI
The Women* in Tech research team is developing strategies to address the structural and systemic discrimination of women*.
Organising digital change at the university: new field guide for implementing educational technology
Educational technology plays a critical role in transforming lecture halls. The guide provides recommendations for implementing digital change.
When does an AI serve the public interest? New platform shows global projects and criteria
With the interface, we are taking a pioneering step towards establishing a global community for artificial intelligence (AI) in the public interest.
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