Data Cooperation Platforms for SMEs
Large digital platforms from the USA and China have dominated digital markets across industries and countries. They quickly became the most valuable companies in the world. Due to the growth and growing influence of large US digital corporations, the platform is now widely regarded as the most successful business model for the digital economy.
The project Data Cooperation Platforms for SMEs (DaPla Mittelstand) is exploring how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in data-rich markets can better participate in the increasing platformization of value chains. The project examines the extent to which SMEs are able to establish and use digital platform cooperatives. It discusses conditions for successful platform cooperative governance models for SMEs in data-intensive markets. In particular, collaborations among SMEs or alliances between SMEs and large companies will be assessed.
Challenges and opportunities for SMEs
The project first conducts a landscape analysis of SME-oriented platforms in data-intensive markets in Germany. Second, mechanisms, success factors and obstacles in existing platform cooperative collaborations are examined.
The project combines data-scientific methods with qualitative and participatory formats. Insights are generated in conversation with entrepreneurs and experts in the digital platform ecosystem. Through active and constant participation of policy and SME representatives, this exploratory study will form the basis for platform cooperative policy recommendations and more extensive follow-up studies.
Project duration | 01.02.2020 – 20.07.2020 |
Funding | Federal Ministry of Finance |
Fabian Stephany, Dr.
Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & SocietyPhilip Meier
Associated Doctoral Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
Fabian Braesemann, Dr.
Former Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society -
Lena Starke
Former Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society -
Nicolas Friederici, Dr.
Former Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society -
Tina Krell
Former Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Trischler, M., Meier, P., & Trabucchi, D. (2021). Digital platform pactics: how to implement platform strategy over time. Journal of Business Models, 9(1), 67-76. DOI: 10.5278/jbm.v9i1.5908 Publication details
Friederici, N., Meier, P., & Gümüşay, A. A. (2020). An opportunity for inclusion? Digital platform innovation in times of crisis. Pioneers Post. Publication details
Bohn, S., Friederici, N., & Gümüşay, A. A. (2020). Too big to fail us? Platforms as systemically relevant. Internet Policy Review. Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Meier, P. (2021). Digital platforms as drivers of innovation. In V. Nestle, P. Glauner, & P. Plugmann (Eds.), Creating Innovation Spaces – Impulses for Start-ups and Established Companies in Global Competition/Management for Professionals (pp. 183-191). Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. Publication details
Working paper
Krell, T., Braesemann, F., Stephany, F., Friederici, N., & Meier, P. (2020). A Mixed-Method Landscape Analysis of SME-focused B2B Platforms in Germany. Social Science Research Network. Publication details
Other publications
Friederici, N., Krell, T., Meier, P., Braesemann, F., & Stephany, F. (2020). Plattforminnovation im Mittelstand, . Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Daten-Kooperationsplattformen für den MittelstandDigitale Plattformen im Mittelstand – Gemeinsame Wertschöpfung als Chance?. Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Online, Berlin, Germany: 16.02.2021 Further information
Nicolas Friederici
Governance of SME-focused Data Cooperation Platforms in GermanyISPIM Conference 2020 (Session: Research in Progress: Platforms and Ecosystems). ISPIM, Online, Germany: 09.06.2020 Further information
Tina Krell
Organisation of events
Policy Co-Creation Workshop17.06.2020. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Federal Ministry of Finance (National)
Tina Krell, Nicolas Friederici, Philip Meier