DECiDe – Digital Identity, European Citizenship and the Future of Democracy
At all political levels, we perceive a growing number of citizens to be dissatisfied with their governmental organizations. At the same time, we believe in the potential of digital technologies to strengthen the interaction between elected officials and their grassroots, away from elections and formal referendums. We foresee a future in which clear and secure digital identities have become the norm for all citizens. With their help, as well as through the algorithmic implementation of lottery procedures (RSV), political representatives can regularly conduct votes and opinion polls and take their results into account.
In the "DECiDe" project, we therefore developed a technical prototype that combined digital identities and voting by means of random selection, i.e. Random Sample Voting (RSV).
In addition to the technical support provided by our partners from the Swiss Procivis AG and the Random Sample Working Group, we were supported by the programs Advocate Europe and demokratie.io.
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Hier erhalten Sie mehr Informationen, wie Sie uns fördern können.Ingolf Pernice, Prof. Dr. Dr.
Former HIIG Founder and Research Director (retd)
Working paper
Pernice, I. (2019). Digitale Abstimmung, Zufallsauswahl und das Verfassungsrecht: Zur Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen Regierung und Regierten. HIIG Discussion Paper Series. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3456579 Publication details
Pernice, I. (2018). Stärkung der Demokratie in der digitalen Konstellation. Einführung zur öff. Anhörung des Ausschusses für Verfassungsfragen (AFCO) des Europäischen Parlaments am 25. April 2018 zum Thema: “Globalization Trilemma. How to Reconcile Globalization, Democracy and Welfare – Lessons for the EU. European Parliament: AFCO Hearings. Publication details
Other publications
Tsakiliotis, K. (2019). What if politicians weren’t elected but rather drawn by lot?. Publication details
Tsakiliotis, K. (2019). Applying Sortition in the EU: House of Lots or Random Votes?. Publication details
Tsakiliotis, K. (2018). Report of the Workshop on Digital Identity, Global Citizenship and the Future of Democracy. Publication details
Moderation of workshops and panels
Digital Identity, Citizenship and Democracy in EuropeAdvocate Europe Network Meeting. MitOst e.V.. Vetrinjski Dvor, Maribor, Slovenia: 23.11.2018
Kai Gärtner
Digital Identity, Citizenship and Democracy in EuropePreisverleihung: Wettbewerb demokratie.io. betterplace lab, BMFSFJ. Mozilla Foundation, Berlin, Germany: 15.11.2018
Kai Gärtner, Konstantinos Tsakiliotis
Organisation of events
Digitaler Salon: E-dentifiziert?24.04.2019. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: KOOPERATIVE Berlin (National) Further information
Kai Gärtner
Unsere Demokratie zukünftig dem Zufall überlassen?31.01.2019. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Deutschland (National) Further information
Teresa Völker, Kai Gärtner, Ingolf Pernice
Die Demokratie zukünftig dem Zufall überlassen?with attending Vip: Moderation. 31.01.2019. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Anja Adler
Fake News, Online disinformation and democratic processes in Europe11.01.2019. Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) (International) Further information
Jacek Wiland, Konstantinos Tsakiliotis, Kai Gärtner, Ingolf Pernice
Digital Identity, Citizenship and Democracy in Europe Kick-Off EventKick-Off Event: Digital Identity, Citizenship and Democracy in Europe. 20.08.2018. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International)
Konstantinos Tsakiliotis, Teresa Völker, Björn Scheuermann, Monique Morrow, Christian Djeffal, Julian Hölzel, Kai Gärtner, Jörg Pohle, Ingolf Pernice
Digital Identity, Global Citizenship and the Future of Democracy Workshop17.05.2018. Sirius Minds, Berlin, Germany (International)
Konstantinos Tsakiliotis, Christian Djeffal, Ingolf Pernice