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Auf dem Titelbild des Projekts Digitalisierung und Klima (digitalisation and climate) sieht man ein die r

Digitalisation and Climate

How can the economic, ecological and social dimensions of a digital economy be made sustainable and fair for all parts of society? How can these infrastructures and competencies be used for climate protection? "Digitalisation and Climate" has set itself the goal of developing resource-conserving and equitable answers to these questions in several nations and establishing them locally. The research project is part of the research group Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and global digital Transformation.

Research formats & knowledge transfer

Based on the results of a Research Sprint and a related study, multi-stakeholder dialogs and public events are conducted in cooperation with Digital Transformation Centers (DTCs) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in selected countries. In this way, knowledge networks are strengthened locally and expanded upon by linking them with other international partners. In addition, local specifics, opportunities and risks are recorded and taken into account.


Study: Digital Technology, Climate Resilience and Rainforest Protection

October 2022

The study aims to find digital solutions to ecological problems in Indonesia and in Southeast Asia in general. The core focus is on finding digital solutions to protect the rainforest.

Multi-Stakeholder-Dialog: Digital Technology for Rainforest Protection

13th December 2022

The MSD will focus on the use of AI for climate change. Here, actors from the private, public and civil sector will be invited, discussing the state of affairs in Indonesia, identifying future areas of work and research.

More information here

Event: Digital Technology for Rainforest Protection

13th December 2022

This public panel discussion will focus on the opportunities and challenges of the use of digital technologies for rainforest protection. 

More information here

Research Sprint: Green Technology, Entrepreneurship & Climate

October - November 2022

The goal of the research sprint is to help promote green technology startups and incubators in Vietnam specifically and in the global south more generally. Therefore, the research sprint focuses on exploring the reasons behind two persistent challenges in the Vietnamese green technology ecosystem: the shortage of aspiring entrepreneurs and the lack of investments.

Meet the fellows here.

Event: Green technologies: Opportunities and challenges for sustainable digitalisation working for climate

At this event at the Goethe Institute in Hanoi, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges that digital technologies offer to address societal challenges. In particular, we want to explore the opportunities of green entrepreneurship and digital technologies for climate change mitigation in Vietnam.

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Event: Green Technology, Entrepreneurship & Climate

30th November 2022

As part of the Green Economy Forum & Exhibition 2022 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

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Research Sprint: Green Technology, Entrepreneurship & Climate

October - November 2022

The goal of the research sprint is to help promote green technology startups and incubators in Vietnam specifically and in the global south more generally. Therefore, the research sprint focuses on exploring the reasons behind two persistent challenges in the Vietnamese green technology ecosystem: the shortage of aspiring entrepreneurs and the lack of investments.

Meet the fellows here

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital entrepreneurship for climate

13th February 2023

This MSD will explore the potential of digital entrepreneurship in Mexico in order to mitigate climate change. The dialogue will bring together key stakeholders from Mexico’s green digital technology to take a closer look at the challenges that sustainable entrepreneurs face and pathways to overcome those challenges. 

More information here.

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability

14th February 2023

This MSD will explore the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to advance sustainability goals in Mexico. The dialogue will especially focus on the promises and perils of applying AI to tackle climate change and other sustainability challenges such as the loss of biodiversity.

More information here.

Study/Paper: Green Technology, Entrepreneurship & Climate

May 2023

Building on the Research Sprint, the study will focus on the social, institutional, and technological barriers to sustainable digital entrepreneurship in Vietnam. The goal is to develop strategies to overcome these challenges.

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Sustainable and Adaptable Transformation of the ITP Prizren

1st June 2022

The MSD aims to facilitate an exchange with local stakeholders and provide a discourse on Best Practices for sustainable neighborhood development of the former military grounds of the "Innovation and Training Park" Prizren(ITP).

Public presentation: Study on the sustainable spatial transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren

5th October 2022

At this public event the planning office "Octagon Architekturkollektiv" will present their study on the sustainable spatial transformation of the Innovation and Training Park Prizren.

Former employees

  • Ann-Kristin Ziesemer
    Former Student Assistant: Science Communication
  • Christian Grauvogel
    Former Head of Dialogue & Knowledge Transfer | Project Coordinator SET
  • staff dummy Katja Derichs
    Former Student Assistant: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
  • Marie Blüml
    Former Researcher: Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Global Digital Transformation
  • staff dummy Melanie Chan
    Former Student Assistant: Science Communication
  • Moritz Timm | HIIG Moritz Timm
    Former Researcher & Project Coordinator

Working paper

Vilchez, P. (2023). Venturing on a double trend. Digital startups for climate action in Mexico. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2023(3). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7915646 Publication details

Other publications

Akaki, P. P., Aleem, A., Burlinghaus, E., Carmona, A. S., Cervera, R., Cardozo, J. I., Vilchez, P., Pheakdey, D. V., von Richthofen, G. (2023). Digital Entrepreneurship in Vietnam’s Green Tech Sector. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Stapel, P., Fenzlein, H., Köpper, J., & Wiese, M. (2023). Sustainable Spatial Transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren. Towards a hub for innovation, economic development and digital transformation. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Hemsteede, R., & Pokharel, P. (2023). Preparing, Responding or Restoring – How Technology is Currently Used in Relation to Climate Change and Rainforest Protection in Indonesia. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Cervera, R., Vilchez, P., & von Richthofen, G. (2023). Digital entrepreneurship for climate in Mexico. An analysis of challenges and implications. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Lectures and presentations

The impact of digitalisation on cities
Placemaking Week Europe. Placemaking Europe. Teucro, Pontevedra, Spain: 30.09.2022

Christian Grauvogel

How to build a database (?)
HIIG Lunch Talks (Session: HIIG Lunch Talk). Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany: 20.04.2022

Moritz Timm


Physical places for digital innovation
Placemaking Week Europe 2022. Placemaking Europe. Campás, Pontevedra, Spain: 28.09.2022

Christian Grauvogel

How to Transition Temporary Use into Long-Term Development
Placemaking Week Europe 2022. Placemaking Europe. Museo, Pontevedra, Spain: 28.09.2022

Christian Grauvogel

Moderation of workshops and panels

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Artificial intelligence and sustainability. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Digital Transformation Center Mexico. Hotel Novit, Mexico City, Mexico: 14.02.2023 Further information

Christian Grauvogel, Sarah Spitz

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital entrepreneurship for climate. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Digital Transformation Center Mexico. Hotel Novit, Mexico City, Mexico: 13.02.2023

Christian Grauvogel, Sarah Spitz

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital technology for rainforest protection. Digital Transformation Center Indonesia. Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Indonesia: 13.12.2022 Further information

Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities of Green Entrepreneurship for Climate Change in Vietnam
Green Economy Forum & Exhibition (GEFE). EuroCham Vietnam. THISO SkyHall, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: 30.11.2022

Christian Grauvogel

Green technologies: Opportunities and challenges for sustainable digitalisation working for climate. Goethe-Institut Hanoi. Goethe-Institut Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam: 25.11.2022 Further information

Christian Grauvogel

Public presentation: Study on the sustainable spatial transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren. Digital Transformation Center Kosovo. Innovation and Training Park (ITP), Prizren, Kosovo: 05.10.2022 Further information

Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Sustainable and adaptable transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren. Digital Transformation Center Kosovo. Innovation and Training Park (ITP), Prizren, Kosovo: 01.06.2022

Christian Grauvogel

Organisation of events

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Artificial intelligence and sustainability
14.02.2023. Hotel Novit, Mexico City, Mexico. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Mexico (International)

Paul Vilchez, Sarah Spitz, Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital entrepreneurship for climate
13.02.2023. Hotel Novit, Mexico City, Mexico. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Mexico (International) Further information

Paul Vilchez, Sarah Spitz, Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital technology for rainforest protection
13.12.2022. Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Indonesien. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Indonesia (International)

Stephan Bohn, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Panel discussion: Digital technology for rainforest protection
13.12.2022. Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Indonesia. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Indonesia (International)

Stephan Bohn, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities of Green Entrepreneurship for Climate Change in Vietnam
Green Economy Forum & Exhibition (GEFE). 30.11.2022. THISO SkyHall, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (International)

Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Panel discussion: Green Technology, Entrepreneurship & Climate
Green Economy Forum & Exhibition (GEFE). 30.11.2022. THISO SkyHall, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (International)

Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Green technologies: Opportunities and challenges for sustainable digitalisation working for climate
25.11.2022. Goethe-Institut Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam (International)

Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Research sprint: Green Technology, Entrepreneurship & Climate
From 11.10.2022 to 30.11.2022. online, Hanoi, Vietnam. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Vietnam (International)

Melanie Chan, Katja Derichs, Ann-Kristin Ziesemer, Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Public presentation: Study on the sustainable spatial transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren
05.10.2022. Innovation and Training Park (ITP), Prizren, Kosovo. Co-Organised by: Octagon Architekturkollektiv, Digital Transformation Center Kosovo (International) Further information

Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Sustainable and adaptable transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren
01.06.2022. Innovation and Training Park (ITP), Prizren, Kosovo. Co-Organised by: Octagon Architekturkollektiv, Digital Transformation Center Kosovo (International)

Christian Grauvogel

Funding & duration

"Digitalisation and Climate" is part of the overarching project in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). HIIG supports the BMZ's Digital Transformation Centers (DTCs) as a scientific partner and carries out exchange and research formats in partner countries.


November 2021 – May 2023

Funded by the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

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Georg von Richthofen, Dr.

Senior Researcher & Project Lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

Moritz Timm

Former Researcher & Project Coordinator

Recent News from the project



New podcast episode: Digital rainforest protection in Indonesia

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Study: Digital solutions for rainforest protection in Indonesia

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Part of the science communication project