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Acquisition logic as an obstacle to Diamond Open Access

Diamond Open Access (OA) refers to scientific publications that are available free of charge. Authors do not bear any costs when they publish journal articles or books. Likewise, readers who are interested in these scientific results do not have to pay any fees. As the fairest model of OA, it maximises participation in scientific discourse. In this context, the research project Acquisition logic as an obstacle to Diamond Open Access (ELADOAH) is investigating how this publication model can be organised in Germany in the long term.

Research background

The academic system is currently facing the challenge of sustainable funding for Diamond OA publications. It is widely acknowledged that public funds can be used to purchase goods and services, but not to finance what is already available free of charge. This may hinder scientific libraries from promoting free academic journals and books in a sustainable way. At the same time, science is breaking away from large and commercial publishing houses in order to develop its own open publication projects (community-led). The aim is to ensure that libraries and institutions do not have to pay high fees to access research articles. So how can we enable a more sustainable and fairer access to research?

Development of an organisational model for a Diamond Open Access publication infrastructure

The project clarifies this complex issue through two research contributions. At the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, we are investigating which examples of public funding structures are already in place or currently under development. Based on the findings, our research team will conduct a report on collaborative approaches to scientific publishing.

Our project partner Verfassungsblog will prepare a legal assessment on the question of the extent to which public budget law actually stands in the way of financing Diamond OA publications and how this obstacle can be overcome. On the basis of both research contributions, the project team will develop an organisational model for a jointly supported and organised Diamond Open Access publication infrastructure in Germany at the end of the project.

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (16KOA027).

The project proposal is published on Zenodo:


Interviews with stakeholders

For the Landscape Study, expert interviews will be conducted with various stakeholders from the field of Diamond OA.
January - April 2024

Publication of the "Report on collaborative approaches to scientific publishing"

The report on collaborative approaches to scientific publishing presents the state of research and integrates expert opinions on development opportunities.
January 2025

Multi-stakeholder workshops

A series of stakeholder workshops will be held to work out how a collaborative model of royalty-free publishing in Germany could be designed, considering the various interests and opportunities.

Financing · Governance · Quality, reputation & transparency · Networks & community care
October 2024 – January 2025

Final workshop: Model examples for collaborative publishing

In the workshop, various stakeholders will jointly discuss the implementation plan (blueprint) for public service funding developed by the project and the resulting scenarios.
Mai 2025

Publication of the organisational model for collaborative publishing

The organisational model describes the concrete implementation options for a public funding structure for Diamond Open Access publications, in accordance with the legal conditions in Germany.
August 2025

Blog symposium

The symposium on the Verfassungsblog brings together various scientific contributions on the topic "Who owns science?"
September 2025

Publication of the legal assessment

The results of legal research on budgetary issues relating to the funding of Diamond OA publications are published.
September 2025

Panel discussion

In a panel discussion, guests discuss the question "Who owns science?" along the idea of collaborative publishing.
September 2025

Working paper

Wrzesinski, M., & Dalkilic, E. (2024). Erwerbungslogik als Diamond-Open-Access-Hindernis: Aus-, Um- und Nebenwege. Projektantrag Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (16KOA027). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10409394 Publication details

Other publications

Henkes, L., Wrzesinsk, M., Dalkilic, E., Dwivedi, M., Finger, J., Noreik, S., Scherr, J., Schindler, C., & Stork, K. (2025). Diamond OA: BMBF-Projekte bringen faires und freies Open Access auf den Punkt. Open Access Network. Publication details

Wrzesinski, M., Dalkilic, E. (2024). Diamond OA: Für eine bunte, digitale Publikationslandschaft. Digital society blog. Publication details

Benz, M., Finger, J., Henkes, L., Stork, K. S., & Wrzesinski, M. (2024). Diamond Open Access organisieren und finanzieren: Wie kann das gemeinschaftlich gelingen? ZBW Mediatalk. Publication details

Henkes, L., Wrzesinski, M., & Holscher Blackman, K. (2024). Bericht; Open Access gemeinsam gemacht: Kollaborative Ansätze des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens. Zenodo. Publication details

Lectures and presentations

Gemeinsam, frei & fair - Modelle des gemeinwirtschaftlichen Open-Access-Publizierens
Open-Access-Tage 2024. TH Köln, Cologne, Germany: 11.09.2024 Further information

Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski

„ELADOAH Forschungsbericht zu gemeinschaftlichen Publikationsmodellen“
Sprechstunde der Landesinitiative Landesinitiative Online, Online, Germany: 25.07.2024 Further information

Lena Marie Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski, Katherina Holscher Blackman

Moderation of workshops and panels

Wie kann gemeinschaftlich organisiertes und finanziertes Diamond Open Access gelingen?
Open-Access-tage 2024. TH Köln, Köln, Germany: 11.09.2024 Further information

Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski

Organisation of events

Diamond Open Access verankern: Netzwerke und Community-Pflege
From 15.01.2025 to 15.01.2025. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Verfassungsblog (National) Further information

Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski

Diamond Open Access verbreiten und stärken: Qualität, Reputation und Transparenz
From 12.12.2024 to 12.12.2024. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Verfassungsblog (National) Further information

Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski

Diamond Open Access erfolgreich organisieren und gestalten Governance-Strukturen und nachhaltige Organisationsprinzipien
13.11.2024. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Verfassungsblog (National) Further information

Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski

Diamond Open Access Blitzlicht: Zwischenergebnisse BMBF-geförderter Projekte
Diamond Open Access Blitzlicht. 24.10.2024. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International) Further information

Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski

Gemeinsam finanzieren, gemeinsam profitieren: Diamond Open Access nachhaltig gestalten
Gemeinsam finanzieren, gemeinsam profitieren: Diamond Open Access nachhaltig gestalten. 17.10.2024. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: KOALA-AV (National) Further information

Katherina Holscher Blackman, Lena Henkes, Marcel Wrzesinski

Cooperation partner


Lena Henkes

Researcher: Knowledge & Society


Learning Knowledge

Knowledge & Society: Shifts in knowledge production, organisation and transfer

The Knowledge & Society research programme investigates the influence of digital technologies on knowledge transfer with interdisciplinary science and higher education research.