Increase corporate political responsibility and accountability of digital platforms
Digital platforms have become the fundamental strategic infrastructure for today's economy, politics, and society. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft – the so-called GAFAM platforms – are key companies of capitalist economies that accumulate wealth and resources and influence political opinion and cultural content production. The “Increase corporate political responsibility and accountability of digital platforms” (INCA) project examines the growing corporate power of platform capitalism and its hegemony on several spheres of European society: from labour to legislation to public opinion.
By studying the activity of digital firms, a network of 12 European partners will explain the vast implications of platforms for European society. The aim is to find alternative models of platform governance capable of combining technological innovations with social inclusion and citizens' participation in decision-making processes.
Alternative solutions for Europe
Within the INCA project, we will trace the historical lineage of the platform model and how it has emerged in response to broader changes in technological and societal developments. Using desk research, statistical data, and expert interviews with scholars and policy-makers, we will explore the origins of platforms as new organisational forms and investigate existing and novel platform governance models, not only from GAFAM but also from European platforms.
A Horizon Europe cooperation project
Within the project, we work closely with academic researchers from the University of Bologna, Tilburg, Barcelona, Wrocławski, Tartu, SUPSI. We also cooperate with specialists in urban and media innovations from CoLABOR, Urbasofia, Elhuyar, and BIT HABITAT. You can find all partners on the joint INCA website.
Duration: 1/10/2022 - 30/03/26
Funding: European Union - Horizon 2020 Programm
Alina Kontareva, Dr.
Senior Researcher & Project Lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & SocietyAnna Dumat
Student assistant: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and SocietyStephan Bohn, Dr.
Senior Researcher & Project Lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
Sofie Bilsing
Former student assistant: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Kontareva, A., & Kenney, M. (2023). National markets in a world of global platform giants: The persistence of Russian domestic competitors. Policy & Internet, 1-24. Publication details
Other publications
Kontareva, A. (2024). How Russian online platforms compete with global giants. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Lukan, T., Deacon, B., Kontareva, A. (2024). How TikTok Science Communicators Navigate Norms and Values in the Age of Generative AI. Elephant in the Lab Blog Journal. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Are there platform alternatives? Lessons from the case of Yandex building a domestic online platform ecosystem40th EGOS Colloquium - Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People. EGOS. University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy: 04.07.2024 Further information
Alina Kontareva
Stories from values and profits. How the construction of narratives contributed to the emergence of the digital platform field40th EGOS Colloquium - Crossroads for Organizations: Time, Space, and People. EGOS. University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy: 04.07.2024 Further information
Stephan Bohn, Alina Kontareva, David Risi
Big Tech Emerging Power: Insights from the European LandscapeFirst INCA Scientific Meeting. Universidad del País Vasco, San Sebastian/Donostia, Spain: 17.05.2024 Further information
Alina Kontareva
Researching Extreme Contexts: Methodological Challenges and Opportunities39th EGOS Colloquium 2023: "Organizing for the Good Life: Between Legacy and Imagination". EGOS. University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy: 06.07.2023 Further information
Alina Kontareva
Understanding platform dominance: The role of financialization strategies in the evolution of the platform organizational form.EGOS: 39th EGOS Colloquium 2023: Sub-theme 75: The New Faces and Interfaces of Digital Platforms. EGOS. University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy: 06.07.2023 Further information
Alina Kontareva, Stephan Bohn
Protecting Domestic Platform Infrastructure: How Russia Mitigated Dependence upon US West Coast Platform Giants.Workshop: Global Infrastructures: The Production of the Modern World. University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy: 09.06.2023 Further information
Alina Kontareva, Martin Kenney
National platforms in a world of global platform giants: the case of Russian domestic competitorsLunch Talk | National platforms in a world of global platform giants: the case of Russian domestic competitors. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany: 08.06.2023
Alina Kontareva
The Role of Data and Data Partnerships in Digital Platforms.DSRE Project. University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway: 01.04.2023
Alina Kontareva
Platforms, Ecosystems, and the Digital Economy.Innovation and Global Challenges. TIK Centre for Technology. University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway: 22.02.2023
Alina Kontareva
The Role of Data in Digital Platforms: from Data Collection to Regulatory DebatesRUSTlab, Data at work series. Ruhe Universität, Bochum, Germany: 20.12.2022 Further information
Alina Kontareva
Organisation of events
Exploring Platform Alternatives: Shaping a Responsible FutureFrom ‘Big Tech’ to ‘Small Tech’: Values, Norm-Building, and Open-Source. 12.10.2023. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Alina Kontareva
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