Entrepreneurship Research Lab
The entrepreneurship research lab is an ongoing research venture at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society (HIIG). Its objective is to establish a platform for practitioners and researchers that will better understand and contribute to Internet-enabled entrepreneurship. Digital technologies and the Internet fundamentally change many aspects of our society and provide countless innovation opportunities. Our goal is to understand and support these social and economic innovation processes by providing practical research in our Startup Clinics, accumulating and sharing knowledge with our Startup Knowledge Hub and building relevant partnerships in our Startup Network.
Since 2013 our team has been offering Startup Clinics on the topics of human resources & culture, law, finance, sales & marketing, lean project management and business models. Our Startup Clinics provide the basis for the generation of knowledge encompassing the most important elements of starting a business. After registration on our website, founders can attend individual sessions with our PhD students, who help them to address specific challenges. Startups receive support directly, via introductions to relevant experts from our network. Over the last two years, our team has supported more than 170 startups in more than 300 Startup Clinic sessions. In addition, we have created other formats such as our Startup Clinic talks, our roundtables, and business model innovation and sales workshops. We organise these formats in close cooperation with our partners – companies, universities, national incorporation services, Berlin-based incubators and accelerators, and the Berlin startup scene, as well as local and international networks.
Based on questions generated in our Startup Clinics, we have developed our Startup Knowledge Hub – a learning platform for founders, which enables us to share knowledge with the community of founders and better understand their learning needs. This platform provides educational Q&A videos on our Knowledge Base and our YouTube Channel and other materials answering specific questions founders have as they go through the entrepreneurial process. Besides these expert videos, the Startup Knowledge Hub unifies research on massive open online courses (MOOCs) and online learning and addresses questions regarding video production and utilization.
Research projects on factors supporting and hindering entrepreneurship
Following the current research on entrepreneurship, we focus on the process of entrepreneurship and on entrepreneurial activities: What do entrepreneurs do? How do they do it? What constrains their activities? In order to research these issues, we adopt a contextualized view of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship research places an increasing emphasis on developing a better historical, temporal, institutional, spatial and social contextual understanding of the development of startups. Currently we are pursuing the following research topics:
National Innovation Systems
- Models to explain entrepreneurial behaviour in national innovation systems (Dr. Nancy Richter)
Collaboration with Startups
- Cooperation between established companies and startups – The strategic orientation of corporate private incubators & accelerators (CPIA) and evaluation of service offerings for startups (Tobias Schneider)
- Activity-based entrepreneurial process models for internet-enabled startups – The impact of accelerator programmes on the processes and the activities of startups (Stefan Trifonov)
Internet-enabled Startups
- Effects of regulation instruments on startups – An analysis of the principle of purpose limitation in data protection law (Maximilian von Grafenstein)
- Competency requirements for internet-enabled startups – An empirical analysis with an emphasis on marketing and sales (Martin Wrobel)
- Financing strategies for early stage startups – A differentiating empirical analysis of soft- and hardware startups (Robin P. G. Tech)
- Business models of startups – considering internal and external influencing factors on the evolution of a sartup’s business model (Martina Dopfer)
- The development of organisations in the digital economy – Balancing agile product development and organisational structures (Steffen Tröger)
- New interactions in online learning (Anna Hansch)
- Patterns of how user entrepreneurs create businesses and integrate crowd resources (Hendrik Send, Robin P. G. Tech)
Anna Nancy Richter, Prof. Dr.
Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & SocietyMartin Wrobel, Prof. Dr.
Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & SocietyMaximilian von Grafenstein, Prof. Dr.
Associated Researcher, Co-Head of Research ProgrammePhilip Meier
Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & SocietyShirley Ogolla
Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & SocietyThomas Schildhauer, Prof. Dr. Dr.
Research Director
Alexander T. Nicolai, Prof. Dr.Former Associated Researcher: Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Christopher Olk
Student Assistant: Innovation & Entrepreneurship -
Jessica Schmeiss, Dr.
Former Associate Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society -
Katharina Beitz
Former Associate Researcher: Innovation & Entrepreneurship -
Konstanze Neumann
Former Student Assistant: Internet-enabled Innovation -
Martina Weifenbach, Dr.
Former Associated Researcher: Innovation & Entrepreneurship -
Matti Grosse
Former Research associate: Innovation & Entrepreneurship -
Mehera Hassan
Former Student Assistant: The evolving digital society -
Nicolas Friederici, Dr.
Former Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society -
Robin P. G. Tech
Former Project Manager: IoT & eGovernment -
Stefan Trifonov
Former Associate Doctoral Researcher: Internet-enabled Innovation
Richter, N., Jackson, P., Schildhauer, T. (Eds.) (2018). Entrepreneurial Innovation and Leadership. Preparing for a Digital Future. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave McMillan. Publication details
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Grafenstein, M. v., Schneider, E., Richter, N. (2015). MAUERSCHAU: A Mobile Virtual Museum – Postmodern Storytelling through Digital Media. Kultur und Informatik: Cross Media. Publication details
Jackson, P., Dobson, P., & Richter, N. (2015). A Model to Explain Entrepreneurial Behaviour: The Case of Germany. Proceedings of ECIE (10th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship). Publication details
Working paper
Grafenstein, M. v. (2014). Copyright Protection of Formats on the European Single Market – A Definition of the Coypright Protected Work with respect to Utilitarian Coypright Theories. The Single Market and copyright protection of formats. Publication details
Other publications
Ripsas, S. & Tröger, S. (2015). Deutscher Startup Monitor 2015. Deutscher Startup Monitor. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Welche Faktoren beeinflussen heute und morgen den Einsatz digitaler Lernsysteme?Konferenz zum Digitalen Bildungspakt (Session: Trendmonitor berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung). Microsoft Deutschland. Microsoft Atrium, Berlin, Germany: 09.11.2016
Thomas Schildhauer
Vorstellung der Startup-Benchmarking GER 2020: Globale Start-up-Ökosysteme – Wo steht Deutschland?Zeit Wirtschaftsforum. Zeit. Hauptkirche St. Michaelis, Hamburg, Germany: 03.11.2016
Thomas Schildhauer, Marcel Hebing
Digitale Identitäten im Dreiklang: Menschen – Technologien – UnternehmenIDent-Tag. Deutsche Post AG. Posttower, Bonn, Germany: 21.09.2016
Thomas Schildhauer
The Interplay between Data Protection Principles and Data-Driven InnovationEuroDIG 2016. Brussels Meeting Center, Brussels, Belgium: 09.06.2016
Max von Grafenstein
Open innovation from an organisational perspectiveECU Watermark GetLINKED! Series - Session One. Edith Cowan University. Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia: 31.03.2016
Thomas Schidlhauer
How the cognition of the entrepreneurial agent shapes a startup's business model developmentR&D Management Conference. Istituto di Management. Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Polo Piagge, Pisa, Italy: 25.06.2015
Martina Dopfer, Roman Sauer
Start-ups und der Innovationsstandort DeutschlandBerliner Forum Politik - Wirtschaft. Münchener Gespräche. Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Deutschland: 25.06.2015
Thomas Schildhauer
Competency Profiles for Internet-enabled Startups in Marketing and Sales: An Explanatory Qualitative Empirical AnalysisThe WEI Business and Economics Academic Conference. Harvard University. Harvard University, Cambridge, USA: 08.06.2015
Martin Wrobel
Investigating open innovation using business accelerators – A realist methodologyICQI - The Eleventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (Session: “Constructing a New Critical Qualitative Inquiry”). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign-Urbana, USA: 23.05.2015
Richter Nancy
Digitisation and Disruptive InnovationWorkshop series of the Centre for Innovative Practice. Edith Cowan University. Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia: 08.04.2015
Thomas Schildhauer
(Wie) bekomme ich die richtige StartUp Kultur in mein Unternehmen? Mythen und die Realität. Tradition trifft Digital Hipness.21. Handelsblatt-Tagung "Strategisches IT-Management". Handelsblatt. Hotel Sofitel Bayerpost, München, Germany: 26.01.2015
Thomas Schildhauer
Data Protection between Innovation and the Rule of LawMagical Startups. Magical Startups. W Hotel, Santiago de Chile, Chile: 14.01.2015
Maximilian von Grafenstein
The Sales and Marketing ClinicMagical Startups. Magical Startups. W Hotel, Santiago de Chile, Chile: 06.01.2015
Martin Wrobel
Moderation of workshops and panels
Qualitative AnalysisStrategic Management Conference. Strategic Management Conference. LUISS Business School, Rome, Italy: 06.06.2016
Nancy Richter
Lean Project Management in digitalen StartupsDeutschlands Zukunft gestalten durch Projekte. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie. BMWi, Berlin, Germany: 22.01.2015
Thomas Schildhauer, Nancy Richter, Tobias Schneider
Organisation of events
Startups Research with an Interdisciplinary TouchiLINC Conference. 18.05.2015. betahaus Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Humboldt Carré (International)
Maximilian von Grafenstein