Innovative Open Access in small sciences (InnOAccess)
Academia – especially internet research – strives on a dynamic and diverse publishing ecosystem within which researchers can read and publish results and insights free of major hurdles. In practice, though, high article-processing charges and opaque publication processes pose significant difficulties for researchers and interested readers alike.
The following concrete measures are being implemented in cooperation with the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics: an automated editorial system as well as improving the community management capacities of the open access journal Internet Policy Review. Additionally, a fee-free open access model oriented towards small research fields – such as internet regulation, media informatics or journalism – will be established in a sustainable way. Eventually the findings and experiences will be [brought together] for other publisher-independent open access journals, released to the public in white papers, and transferred in workshops.
The project builds on prior work by the Internet Policy Review, published by HIIG since 2012. This journal publishes independent of any publishers, does not charge and processing fees, and has made a name for itself through an accelerated and open peer review process. Internet Policy Review follows legal changes as well the development of internet standards and norms that have long-term impacts on European societies. The journal constitutes a resource for academics, civil society, entrepreneurs, media, and politicians in equal measure. It is indexed in the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and Scopus; it is furthermore a member of the Association of Open Access Publishers (OASPA).
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) hereby supports a project that sustainably eases access to scientific resources.
First findings are available as a project poster presentation.
Duration | June 2019 until November 2020 |
Funding | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) |
Christian Katzenbach, Prof. Dr.
Associated researcher: The evolving digital societyFrédéric Dubois
Managing Editor: Internet Policy Review, Prject lead: ELADOAHMarcel Wrzesinski, Dr.
ELADOAH | Open Access Officer
Patrick Riechert
Former Student Assistant: Internet Policy Review
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Ganz, K., Wrzesinski, M., & Rauchecker, M. (2019). Nachhaltige Qualitätssicherung und Finanzierung von non-APC, scholar-led Open-Access-Journalen. LIBREAS. Library Ideas(36), 1-11. Publication details
Working paper
Wrzesinski, M., Riechert, P., Dubois, F., & Katzenbach, C. (2021). Working with publication technology to make open access journals sustainable. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2021(02). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4558781 Publication details
Other publications
Bergmann, M., Ganz, K., Neufend, M., & Wrzesinski, M. (2019). Open access futures: time to push for scholar-led publishing. Digital society blog. Publication details
Wrzesinski, M., & Riechert, P. (2019). Innovatives Open Access im Bereich Small Science (Konferenzposter), [Zenodo]. Publication details
Wrzesinski, M., & Riechert, P. (2019). Innovative Open Access in Small Sciences (conference poster), [Zenodo]. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Small but sustainable? Scholar-led journals and open accessOASPA 2020 Annual Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing. Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association. Online, The Hague, Netherlands: 23.09.2020 Further information
Marcel Wrzesinski
Nachhaltiges Open Access: Verlagsunabhängig, divers und gebührenfreiOpen Access Tage 2020. Universität Bielefeld, Fachhochschule Bielefeld. Online, Bielefeld, Germany: 16.09.2020 Further information
Marcel Wrzesinski, Christian Katzenbach, Frédéric Dubois, Nicole Waidlein, Klaus Tochtermann
Moderation of workshops and panels
Gebührenfreie Open-Access-Modelle: Update und Roadmap zu einer gemeinschaftlichen FinanzierungOpen Access Tage 2020. Universität Bielefeld, Fachhochschule Bielefeld. Online, Bielefeld, Germany: 17.09.2020 Further information
Marcel Wrzesinski, Kathrin Ganz
Organisation of events
Sustainable Open Access: Strategies for scholar-led publishingFrom 29.09.2020 to 30.09.2020. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: ZBW Leibniz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft (International) Further information
Marcel Wrzesinski, Patrick Riechert, Frédéric Dubois, Christian Katzenbach