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Wissensarbeit | HIIG

Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Work – Implications, Opportunities and Risks


The project is part of the focus group “Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace” of the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The aim is to develop recommendations for the handling of AI in interdisciplinary collaboration with experts from politics, science and industry.

About the project

The research project focuses on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in the intraorganizational workplace of knowledge workers and the future of AI in the workplace. The project investigates with which intentions and strategies AI applications are used in the workplace, which changes are perceived by the participants and how knowledge workers, companies and co-determination actors react to them. The work is methodically guided by an empirically qualitative social science research design with a mixed-method approach. The project thus joins the existing research on automation and the future of work, and supplements it with empirical findings on the use of knowledge-based AI applications at work stations within organisations in Germany.

AI and knowledge work

Artificial intelligence is generally (AI) regarded as the essential driver for a comprehensive transformation of the world of knowledge management. The term AI refers to a series of systems that, on the basis of large amounts of data, can learn to solve complex social problems, recognize patterns, or predict behaviour completely or partially autonomously – abilities that are usually associated with human intelligence. AI enters into areas of the workplace that previously seemed to be reserved for humans. This applies increasingly to comparatively demanding knowledge work, i.e. white-collar-work or other work that demands non-routine problem solving, for example, based knowledge-intensive service sectors such as marketing or product development. The future of AI in speech recognition, word processing, simultaneous translation and the automated creation of complex standard texts are being regarded as a powerful technical tool with diverse potentials in the workplace.

knowledge workers

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DurationJune 2019 until May 2022
FundingFederal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs


Georg von Richthofen, Dr.

Senior Researcher & Project Lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

Hendrik Send, Prof. Dr.

Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

Part of the research group

Former employees

  • Barbara Culiberg
    Former Visiting Researcher: Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Work
  • staff dummy Constantin von Estorff
    Former Student Assistant: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
  • staff dummy Maria Gradl
    Former Student Assistant: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
  • Marie Blüml
    Former Researcher: Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Global Digital Transformation
  • Miriam Feldman | HIIG Miriam Feldman
    Former Associate Researcher: Knowledge & Society
  • Vivien Hard Vivien Hard
    Former student assistant: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Gesellschaft

Journal articles and conference proceedings

v. Richthofen, G. (2022). Happy Hosts? Hedonic and Eudaimonic Wellbeing in the Sharing Economy. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.802101 Publication details

Richthofen, G., & von Wangenheim, F. (2021). Managing service providers in the sharing economy: Insights from Airbnb’s host management. Journal of Business Research(134), 765-777. DOI: Publication details

von Richthofen, G., Ogolla, S., & Send, H. (2021). Adopting AI at work: Empirical insights from German organizations. 37th Colloquium European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), 1-24. Publication details

Book contributions and chapters

von Richthofen, G. (2021). Algorithmisches Management und seine Folgen: Arbeiten in der Sharing Economy. In J. Nachtwei, & A. Sureth (Eds.), Sonderband Zukunft der Arbeit, Human Resources Consulting Review, Band 12 (pp. 428-431). Berlin: VCP. Publication details

Richthofen, G., & Fischer, E. (2019). Airbnb and hybridized logics of commerce and hospitality. In Russell W. Belk, G.M. Eckhardt, & F. Bardhi, Handbook of the Sharing Economy (pp. 193-207). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Publication details

Working paper

Köhne, S., von Richthofen, G., & Send, H. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz und betriebliche Mitbestimmung. Herausforderungen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten für Arbeitnehmer*innenvertretungen. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2023(1). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7615028 Publication details

Other publications

von Richthofen, G., Köhne, S., & Send, H. (2023). KI in der Wissensarbeit: Handlungsfelder und Ansätze für eine beschäftigtenorientierte Gestaltung. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Richthofen, G. (2021). Shaping the Airbnb Experience: How Platforms Manage Service Providers in the Sharing Economy. Digital Society Blog. Publication details

Richthofen, G. & Humayun, M. (2020). Eingeschränkte Identitätsprojekte: Wie sich die Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung von Covid-19 auf Konsumenten auswirken. Digital Society Blog. Publication details

Lectures and presentations

KI entzaubern: Kann KI menschliches Verhalten präzise vorhersagen und optimieren?
KI entzaubern: Kann KI menschliches Verhalten präzise vorhersagen und optimieren?. KI & Wir Convention, Online, Germany: 26.11.2021 Further information

Sonja Köhne

Algorithmisches Management: Ein Phänomen der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt
Multistakeholder-Dialog. Ethik der Digitalisierung. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany: 08.10.2021 Further information

Georg v. Richthofen

Autonomie und Überwachung? Künstliche Intelligenz in der Personalsteuerung am Beispiel der Pflege
Summer School Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg. Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg, Online, Germany: 09.07.2021

Sonja Köhne

Myth: AI is disrupting knowledge work
Why AI?. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Online, Germany: 10.06.2021 Further information

Hendrik Send

People Analytics am Arbeitsplatz: Every Break You Take, Every Click You Make
People Analytics am Arbeitsplatz: Every Break You Take, Every Click You Make. re:publica 21, Online, Berlin, Germany: 22.05.2021 Further information

Sonja Köhne

Künstliche Intelligenz – Potenziale, Grenzen und betriebliche Mitbestimmung
KI-Tag der Technologieberatungsstelle DGB NRW (TBS NRW). TBS NRW, Online, Dortmund, Germany: 20.05.2021

Sonja Köhne

Künstliche Intelligenz in der Personalarbeit: Risiken, Chancen, neue Machtfragen
Vom Wert der Demokratie und demokratischen Werten in Zeiten des Wandels (Session: Künstliche Intelligenz in der Personalarbeit: Risiken, Chancen, neue Machtfragen). Forum Politische Bildung – IG Metall, Frankfurt, Online, Germany: 11.05.2021

Sonja Köhne

Weiß der Algorithmus vor mir, dass ich kündigen möchte?
Webseminar. IG BCE, Online, Germany: 23.03.2021

Sonja Köhne

People Analytics und das Versprechen objektiver Personalentscheidungen
Digitalkonferenz der IG BCE. IG BCE, Hannover, Germany: 11.03.2021 Further information

Sonja Köhne


Regulierung von Künstlicher Intelligenz
Digitalisierung, Arbeit und Gesellschaft in der postpandemischen Konstellation. Forschungsgruppe Globalisierung, Arbeit und Produktion. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany: 12.05.2023 Further information

Sonja Köhne

Artificial Intelligence & Work
Open Lunch Talk Series. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Online, Germany: 10.06.2021 Further information

Georg v. Richthofen

KI und Wissensarbeit – Implikationen, Möglichkeiten und Risiken
Algorithmen, Automatisierung und Arbeit – Wie KI unsere Arbeit und unser Leben besser machen kann. BMAS. Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales, Berlin, Germany: 20.05.2021 Further information

Georg von Richthofen

KI in Betrieben - Realitäten aus der Arbeitswelt
Fachsymposium „Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Arbeitswelt".. Germany. Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), Online, : 01.10.2020 Further information

Georg von Richthofen

Moderation of workshops and panels

Digitaler Kapitalismus #DigiCap der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Online-Kongress. Forum “Künstliche Intelligenz im Personalmanagement – mit Mitbestimmung gegen das Machtungleichgewicht”, Bremen, Germany: 18.11.2021 Further information

Sonja Köhne

“Der People Analytics Jahresrückblick: Was hat sich getan im Bereich Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Personalarbeit?”
LABOR.A 2021. Hans Böckler Stiftung, Online, Germany: 06.10.2021 Further information

Sonja Köhne

Artificial Intelligence & Work
Open Lunch Talk Series. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Online, Germany: 10.06.2021 Further information

Sonja Köhne (in representation for Shirley Ogolla)

Organisation of events

Artificial Intelligence & Work
Open Lunch Talk Series. 10.06.2021. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Online, Germany (National) Further information

Maria Gradl, Georg von Richthofen, Shirley Ogolla

Vom Fließband zur KI
Digitaler Salon. 28.04.2021. Online, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information

Georg von Richthofen

Digitaler Salon: KI – Die Letzte räumt das Internet auf
31.03.2021. Livestream, Berlin, Deutschland (National) Further information

Natasha Vukajlovic, Philip Meier, Christian Grauvogel