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The Third Engagement Report

The Third Engagement Report is a report on civic engagement that focuses on “The Future of Civil Society: Young Engagement in the Digital Age.”

By a decision of the German Bundestag from March 2009, the German Federal Government is encouraged to present a scientific report on the development of civic engagement in each legislative period. These Engagement Reports are written by an independent commission on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and complemented by a statement of the German federal government.   

Each report puts an emphasis on different dimensions of civic engagement. The Third Report focuses on “The Future of the Civil Society: Young Engagement in the Digital Age”. The report aims at providing recommendations for courses of action regarding a sustainable engagement policy as well as giving stimulus for political discourse revolving around current developments and innovative approaches to civic engagement. Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hofmann is chairing the expert commission for the Third Engagement Report. The head office supporting the commission is based at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), Berlin. The report was handed over to the BMFSFJ on 21 January 2020 and to the German Bundestag on 13 May 2020. 

Following the publication of the report, HIIG organised a series of events to enable an exchange of the findings. At the "Digitalisierungswerkstatt" on 8th December 2020, experts and volunteers discussed various issues related to the digitisation of civil society organisations. The second event "Datenwerkstatt" on 17th February 2021 focused on the potential of (digital) data in engagement organisations. On 16 April 2021, members of engagement platforms met at a virtual roundtable and exchanged views on common concerns and cooperation potential. The fourth event on the Third Engagement Report took place on 8 June 2021: The Dialogue Day for Strengthening Young and Digital Engagement, to which young engaged people were invited to exchange ideas with actors from politics and civil society. The series of events is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Further information on the events can be found on the website of the Third Engagement Report.


Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hofmann on the Third Engagement Report (in German)

Digital Session:

Discussion of central findings (in German) 

Duration01.10.2018 - 30.09.2020
Sponsors Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth


Further Information


Theresa Züger, Dr.

Lead AI & Society Lab, Project-Lead Impact AI


About HIIG

The HIIG researches the development of the internet from a societal perspective with the aim to better understand the digitalisation of all spheres of life.

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Ahlers, M., Grünewald-Schukalla, L., Lücke, M., & Rauch, M. (Eds.) (2018). Big Data und Musik: Jahrbuch für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung 1/2018. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Publication details

Journal articles and conference proceedings

Grünewald-Schukalla, L. (2017). A methodology for cultural music business research. International Journal of Music Business Research, 6(1), 6-34. Publication details

Book contributions and chapters

Hüther, M., Riekmann, W., & Grünewald-Schukalla, L. (2020). Die Digitalisierung des Engagementsektors und seiner Organisationen. In Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Dritter Engagementbericht - Zukunft Zivilgesellschaft: Junges Engagement im digitalen Zeitalter. Bundestagsdrucksache 19/19320. (pp. 96-118). Berlin: Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH. Publication details

Bieber, C., Hofmann, J., Grünewald-Schukalla, L., & Züger, T. (2020). Engagement und digitale Plattformen: Plattformisierung des Engagements? In Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Dritter Engagementbericht - Zukunft Zivilgesellschaft: Junges Engagement im digitalen Zeitalter. Bundestagsdrucksache 19/19320. (pp. 119-131). Berlin: Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH. Publication details

Bieber, C., Hofmann, J., Hüther, M., & Züger, T. (2020). Zum Dritten Engagementbericht. In Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Dritter Engagementbericht - Zukunft Zivilgesellschaft: Junges Engagement im digitalen Zeitalter. Bundestagsdrucksache 19/19320. (pp. 42-51). Berlin: Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH. Publication details

Other publications

Fischer, G., & Grünewald-Schukalla, L. (2020). Memes als niedrigschwellige politische Praxis. tv diskurs.Verantwortung in audiovisuellen Medien, 24 (2), 22-25. Publication details

Haas, C., & Grünewald-Schukalla, L. (2020). Getting Involved. The Impact of Digitalisation on Civic Engagement. Digital society blog. Publication details

Grünewald-Schukalla, L., & Haas, C. (2020). Getting Involved: Data science for good. Digital society blog. Publication details

Grünewald-Schukalla, L., & Haas, C. (2020). Getting Involved: Civic engagement platforms – Where volunteering begins. Digital society blog. Publication details

Züger,T. (2019). Das Recht auf Widerstand. Südwind Magazin, Sep/Okt 19. Publication details

Züger, T. (2019). Podcast: Digitales ziviles Ungehorsam. Exploring digital spheres – Ein Podcast des HIIG, Episode 22. Publication details

Lectures and presentations

Ergebnisse des Dritten Engagementberichts – Plattformen im Engagementsektor
Roundtable: Plattformen im Engagement – Fachveranstaltung zum Dritten Engagementbericht. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Online, Berlin, Germany: 16.04.2021 Further information

Jeanette Hofmann

Ergebnisse des Dritten Engagementberichts
Fachbeiratssitzung der Niedersächsischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. State Agency for Civic Education of Saxony-Anhalt. Online, Hannover, Germany: 17.03.2021 Further information

Claudia Haas

5. Deutscher EngagementTag 2020 (Session: Zukunft Zivilgesellschaft: Junges Engagement im digitalen Zeitalter – Erkenntnisse und Folgerungen aus dem Dritten Engagementbericht). Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; National Network for Civil Society. Online, Berlin, Germany: 03.12.2020 Further information

Jeanette Hofmann

Zukunft Zivilgesellschaft: Junges Engagement im digitalen Zeitalter Erkenntnisse und Folgerungen aus dem 3. Engagementbericht
Tagung: Expert*innen in eigener Sache: Wie gelingt Jugendbeteiligung?. Evangelische Akademie Loccum. Online, Rehburg-Loccum, Germany: 11.11.2020 Further information

Jeanette Hofmann

Junges Engagement: Bestandsaufnahme, Potentiale und Herausforderungen
Wir für Klima, Demokratie und Gerechtigkeit!. Zukunft Bildung Schleswig Holstein, Landesbeauftragter für politische Bildung. Landeshaus, Kiel, Deutschland: 17.01.2020 Further information

Theresa Züger

Wekstattgespräch Demokratie im digitalen Kontext. Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission. Futurium, Berlin, Deutschland: 27.09.2019 Further information

Theresa Züger

Das RUN DMC-Meme zwischen Aneignung und Abkürzung
re:publica19 tl;dr. re:publica 2019, Berlin, Germany: 07.05.2019 Further information

Lorenz Grünewald-Schukalla, Georg Fischer


Vernetzt vereint – Visionen zur Stärkung des jungen Engagements
Dialogtag: Stärkung für junges und digitales Engagement – Fachveranstaltung zum Dritten Engagementbericht. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Online, Berlin, Germany: 08.06.2021 Further information

Jeanette Hofmann

Moderation of workshops and panels

Engagement frühzeitig in Bildung und Erziehung integrieren
Dialogtag: Stärkung für junges und digitales Engagement – Fachveranstaltung zum Dritten Engagementbericht. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Online, Berlin, Germany: 08.06.2021 Further information

Theresa Züger, Anja Adler

Plattformen im Engagement
Roundtable: Plattformen im Engagement – Fachveranstaltung zum Dritten Engagementbericht. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Online, Berlin, Germany: 16.04.2021 Further information

Claudia Haas

Zukunft Zivilgesellschaft: Junges Engagement im digitalen Zeitalter – Erkenntnisse und Folgerungen aus dem Dritten Engagementbericht
5. Deutscher EngagementTag 2020. Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; National Network for Civil Society. Online, Berlin, Germany: 03.12.2020 Further information

Claudia Haas

Workshop #engagierdichglücklich. Tincon e.V.. Kühlhaus Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland: 07.05.2019 Further information

Theresa Züger

Organisation of events

Dialogtag: Stärkung für junges und digitales Engagement – Fachveranstaltung zum Dritten Engagementbericht
08.06.2021. Online, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information

Nastassja Kreft, Claudia Haas

Roundtable: Plattformen im Engagement – Fachveranstaltung zum Dritten Engagementbericht
16.04.2021. Online, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information

Nastassja Kreft, Claudia Haas

Datenwerkstatt – Fachveranstaltung zum Dritten Engagementbericht
17.02.2021. Online, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information

Nastassja Kreft, Claudia Haas

Digitalisierungswerkstatt – Fachveranstaltung zum Dritten Engagementbericht
08.12.2020. Online, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information

Claudia Haas


Advisory Board Politics&Society Programm Track re:publica 19.

Theresa Züger