Empirical Copyright Research
Copyright is one of the most contested fields of internet regulation. Strong copyright protection is routinely assumed to be a key factor in the creative economies. Yet, empirical evidence for its specific effects on creativity and innovation is still scarce. The debate is dominated by normative and legal perspectives. But in which ways does copyright really incentivise creative production? Are media sectors dependent on strong property rights to generate revenue? What is the relationship between imitation and innovation? Is there a clear-cut delineation of legitimately building on existing ideas on the one hand and plagiarising someone else’s work on the other? How are algorithms regulating the distribution, consumption and sharing of cultural goods?
Norms, discourses, routines: Copyright is more than law
The research project Empirical Copyright Research contributes to the nascent field of empirical copyright research with innovative theoretical perspectives and empirically grounded case studies. The theoretical background reflects recent governance approaches, emphasising decentralisation of rule-making and political authority. Thus, the circulation of cultural goods is not only shaped by copyright provisions. Business models, public discourses and norms, daily routines and practices similarly contribute to the ordering of digitally networked environments.
What’s the role of copyright in everyday creative practices?
The empirical case studies address sectors such as the digital games industry or audio-visual format production, as well as social media platforms. Lacking clear-cut copyright provisions, digital games and audio-visual formats produce considerable revenues nonetheless. What are strategies to produce and monetise creative goods in these contexts? How do creators understand their own work? Is originality a necessary ingredient of creative production? This project asks the people involved: designers, programmers, artists, managers and legal consultants.
Duration: ongoing since 2012
Sponsors: self-funding
Duration | since 2012 |
Sponsors | self-funding |
Christian Katzenbach, Prof. Dr.
Associated researcher: The evolving digital societyJeanette Hofmann, Prof. Dr.
Research Director
Christian Pentzold, Prof. Dr.
Associated Researcher: The evolving digital society -
Leontine Jenner
Former Student Assistant: Internet Policy and Governance -
Lies van Roessel
Former Researcher: The evolving digital society
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Katzenbach, C. (2018). There Is Always More Than Law! From Low IP Regimes To A Governance Perspective In Copyright Research. Journal of Technology Law and Policy, 22(2), 99-122. Publication details
Katzenbach, C., Herweg, S., & van Roessel, L. (2016). Copies, Clones and Genre Building. Discourses on Imitation and Innovation in Digital Games. International Journal of Communication, 10, 838-859. Publication details
Roessel, L. van & Herweg, S. (2014). Van Pong tot Ridiculous Fishing: Over imitatie en innovatie binnen de gamesector. Homo Ludens, 2014, 1-6. Publication details
Hofmann, J. (2012). Private Ordering in the Shadow of Copyright Law. Google Books as a Blueprint. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Sonderheft 46, 248–272. Publication details
Hofmann, J. (2012). Kollektive Kreativität. Probleme des Urheberrechts aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive. WZB-Mitteilungen, 136, 11–14. Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Hofmann, J. (2013). Information governance in transition: Lessons to be learned from Google Books. In Brown, I. (Ed.), Research Handbook on Governance of the Internet (pp. 71-96). Cheltenham, Northampton: EE Publishing. Publication details
Other publications
Roessel, L. van (2014). Do Apple’s policies impede the growth of serious games? Internet Policy Review, 8. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Shades of In/visibility: Confronting Collaborative Authorship in Wikipedia, Game Production, and Fanfiction68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Hilton, Prague, Czech Republic: 26.05.2018
Christian Pentzold, Wolfgang Reissmann, Christian Katzenbach
There’s more than Law in Controlling IP! From Low IP Regimes to Multimodal Copyright Governance9th Workshop of the International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property (ISHTIP). University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada: 12.07.2017
Christian Katzenbach
Navigating the Grey Zone: Developers’ Views on Imitation and Inspiration in the Game Sector67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). San Diego, San Diego, USA: 25.05.2017
Lies van Roessel, Christian Katzenbach
Innovation durch Imitation? Zum Verhältnis von Kopieren und Produzieren in der Spiele-BrancheGraduiertenkolleg "Innovationsgesellschaft heute: die reflexive Herstellung des Neuen". Technische Universtität Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland: 21.06.2016
Christian Katzenbach
Playing without rules? An empirical study into imitation and innovation in the games industry.Monthly Internal Lecture Series 'Spreektafel'. Institute for Information Law (IViR). Oost-Indisch Huis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 22.01.2016
Lies van Roessel
Playing without Rules? Regulating Imitation and Innovation in the Games IndustryAnnual Conference: European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP) (Session: Creativity, Re-Use and Copyright). University of Glasgow / CREATe. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK: 03.09.2015
Christian Katzenbach, Lies van Roessel
From Pong to Flappy Bird – Copying and Genre Building in the Games Industryre:publica 2015. Station, Berlin, Germany: 05.05.2015
Christian Katzenbach, Lies van Roessel
Innovation and Imitation in Game DevelopmentDigital Summit 2015. Magical Startups. Hotel W, Santiago de Chile, Chile: 14.01.2015
Lies van Roessel
Negotiating the Boundaries of Game Imitation: From Pong to Ridiculous FishingAnnual Conference: DiGRA 2014.. DiGRA / The University of Utah. Snowbird, Utah, USA: 06.08.2014
Sarah Herweg, Christian Katzenbach, Lies van Roessel
Stabilizing and Contesting the Instable through Discourse: Attributions of Imitation and Innovation in the Digital Games SectorISHTIP Workshop 2014. International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property (ISHTIP). Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden: 03.07.2014
Sarah Herweg, Christian Katzenbach
Im Schatten des Rechts – Wie informelle Normen das Urheberrecht unterlaufen oder auch auf den Kopf stellenre:publica 13. Station, Berlin, Germany: 08.05.2013
Jeanette Hofmann, Christian Katzenbach
Distributed Voices: Making Collaborative Authorship In/Visible68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Hilton, Prague, Czech Republic: 26.05.2018
Christian Pentzold, Wolfgang Reissmann, Christian Katzenbach
International Cultures of Creativity and ImitationDiGRA 2015: Diversity of Play. Leuphana Universität. Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg, Germany: 15.05.2015
Lies van Roessel, Christian Katzenbach
Copies, Clones and Genre Building - Innovation and Imitation practices in the Games IndustryQuo Vadis 2015. Create. Game. Business.. International Games Week Berlin. Café Moskau, Berlin, Germany: 23.04.2015
Lies van Roessel, Henrike Maier, Christian Katzenbach
Organisation of events
Innovation in der Gamesbranche - Zwischen Schutz und Freiheit09.06.2015. Game Science Center, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg (National)
Leontine Jenner, Lies van Roessel, Christian Katzenbach