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Caught in the jungle of bureaucracy? Can European Platform Entrepreneurship succeed?

Author: Krell, T.
Published in: Digital Society Blog
Year: 2021
Type: Other publications

An interview with the platform-as-a-service startup Randevu.techIn the ongoing regulatory debate on digital platform businesses, European platform companies are often bypassed. Whenever there is a public debate on European platforms, the underlying discussion revolves around questions like: Why don’t we have a ‘European Google or Facebook’? Why don’t we compete globally in tech? Yet, platform businesses come in many shapes and sizes (Lehdonvirta, et al. 2020). Successful platform companies are more than just a “few very large online platforms.” Instead of comparing apples and pears, the Platform Alternatives research project focuses on the business realities of European platform entrepreneurs. HIIG researcher Tina Krell interviewed one such European entrepreneur, Aleksandar Orlić, founder of the platform-as-a-service provider Together they talked about platform entrepreneurship in Europe and the opportunities and challenges ahead.

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Tina Krell

Former Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

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