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Dataset PGA v1

Author: Katzenbach, C., Kopps, A., Magalhaes, J. C., Redeker. D. & Sühr, T.
Published in:
Year: 2023
Type: Other publications
DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/XSBPT

This is the original PGA dataset. Data has been collected retrospectively by a combination of automated and manual approaches., building on Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. It includes policies by four major platforms ranging back to their founding years.

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Christian Katzenbach, Prof. Dr.

Associated researcher: The evolving digital society

Adrian Kopps

Associated Researcher: The evolving digital society

João Carlos Magalhães, Dr.

Former Senior Researcher: The evolving digital society

Tom Sühr

Former student Assistant: The evolving digital society

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