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Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges

Author: Gümüşay, A.A., Marti, E., Trittin-Ulbrich, H., Wickert, C.
Published in: Emerald Publishing Limited
Year: 2022
Type: Edited works and special issues
DOI: 10.1108/S0733-558X20220000079002

Societal grand challenges have moved from a marginal concern to a mainstream issue within organization and management theory. How diverse forms of organizing help tackle – or reinforce – grand challenges has become centrally important. In this introductory paper, we take stock of the contributions to the volume on Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges and identify three characteristics of grand challenges that require further scholarly attention: their interconnectedness, fluidity, and paradoxical nature. We also emphasize the need to expand our methodological repertoire and reflect upon our practices as a scholarly community.

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Ali Aslan Gümüsay, Prof. Dr.

Head of Research Group and Associate Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

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