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Report on the Academic Round Table, 30 April 2024, New York City: Freedom of Online Communication Across Transatlantic Borders

Author: Ollig, C.
Published in: GRUR International
Year: 2024
Type: Academic articles

The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI), the Columbia Global Freedom of Expression and the UNESCO Chair on Freedom of Communication and Information co-hosted an academic workshop in New York City on 30 April 2024. European and US experts examined the current state of freedom of expression on digital platforms on both sides of the Atlantic. The round table took place as part of the Year of Science 2024 in Germany. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the German Basic Law (‘Grundgesetz’), this Year of Science has ‘Freedom’ as its central theme. This provided an excellent opportunity to examine the various understandings of freedom as it relates to communication rights and free speech between the US and Europe. The full extent of mutual learning opportunities remains untapped, and the practical implications are vast.

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Connected HIIG researchers

Christian Ollig

Associated Researcher: Leibniz Institute for Media Research │Hans-Bredow-Institute

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