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Right to Access to (Online) Media

Author: Goeble, T., Kettemann, M. C., & Rachinger, F.
Published in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law [MPECCoL]
Year: 2023
Type: Academic articles

The following article sheds light on the right to access to (online) media. While in most constitutions there is no separate right to access to (online) media, media access itself has become a precondition and manifestation of other human rights, in particular the rights to freedom of expression and information. 2 Access to media has become increasingly significant over the years. If in the past access to media meant access to the means of mass communication, today access to (online) media signifies access to a comprehensive communication space where the...

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Matthias C. Kettemann, Prof. Dr. LL.M. (Harvard)

Head of Research Group and Associate Researcher: Global Constitutionalism and the Internet

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