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Understanding the Societal Impact of the Social Sciences and Humanities: Remarks on Roles, Challenges, and Expectations

Author: Fecher,B., Kuper, F., Sokolovska, N., Fenton, A., Hornbostel, S., & Wagner, G.G.
Published in: Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 6
Year: 2021
Type: Academic articles
DOI: 10.3389/frma.2021.696804

Science is increasingly expected to help in solving complex societal problems in collaboration with societal stakeholders. However, it is often unclear under what conditions this can happen, i.e., what kind of challenges occur when science interacts with society and what kind of quality expectations prevail. This is particularly pertinent for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), which are part of the object they study and whose knowledge is always subject to provisionality. Here we discuss how SSH researchers can contribute to societal problems, what challenges might occur when they interact with societal stakeholders, and what quality expectations arise in these arrangements. We base our argumentation on the results of an online consultation among 125 experts in Germany (representatives from SSH, learned societies, stakeholders from different societal groups, and relevant intermediaries).

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Freia Kuper

Former associated Researcher: Knowledge & Society

Gert G. Wagner, Dr.

Former Associated Researcher: Knowledge & Society

Nataliia Sokolovska

Head of Research Programme: Knowledge & Society

Benedikt Fecher, Dr.

Associate Researcher & Former Head of Research Programme: Knowledge & Society

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