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Auf dem Titelbild von Nachhaltigkeit, Unternehmertum und globale Digitalisierung (in Englisch: Sustainability, entrepreneurship and global digital transformation) sind silberne ineinanderfließende Wellen aus silbernen Waben zu sehen.

Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Global Digital Transformation

The Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Global Digital Transformation (SET) research and knowledge transfer project addresses issues relating to digitalisation and sustainability, particularly in the Global South. HIIG supports the Federal Ministry for Economic Developments (BMZ) Digital Transformation Centers (DTCs) as a scientific partner, tasked with conceptualising and organising participatory events and academic outputs. Through the integration of relevant stakeholders, local requirements were identified to develop future-oriented and sustainable contextual approaches in eight countries. With a particular focus on the topics of sustainable entrepreneurship, digital technologies for climate protection and gig economy, HIIG collaborated with local researchers, practitioners and policy makers to build application-oriented expertise, identify best practices and develop concrete recommendations.

The results are made available to a diverse audience through various formats, such as studies, policy briefs, blog posts and podcasts. The exchange of knowledge and the strengthening of cooperation between different countries is intended to support sustainable digitalisation that is appropriate to local conditions. Various best-practice cases are displayed in a database to make them accessible for a broader audience, spanning various sectors and localities.

Project activities and outputs by country

Sustainable entrepreneurship could play an important role tackling key issues such as climate change and economic development in Benin. Therefore we explored the potentials and challenges of sustainable digital entrepreneurship in Benin and Francophone West Africa through an academic study accompanied by a local multi-stakeholder dialogue and a public event.


Georg von Richthofen, Dr.

Senior Researcher & Project Lead: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

Christian Grauvogel

Former Head of Dialogue & Knowledge Transfer | Project Coordinator SET

Moritz Timm

Former Researcher & Project Coordinator

Recent News from the projects



Podcast: The last episode is out now

More information



New podcast episode: Digital rainforest protection in Indonesia

More information

SET project experiences to listen to

Former employees

  • Ann-Kristin Ziesemer
    Former Student Assistant: Science Communication
  • Christian Grauvogel
    Former Head of Dialogue & Knowledge Transfer | Project Coordinator SET
  • staff dummy Katja Derichs
    Former Student Assistant: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society
  • Marie Blüml
    Former Researcher: Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Global Digital Transformation
  • staff dummy Melanie Chan
    Former Student Assistant: Science Communication
  • Mina Ji Young Strian
    Former student assistant: Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Global Digital Transformation and Women* In Tech
  • Moritz Timm | HIIG Moritz Timm
    Former Researcher & Project Coordinator

Working paper

Kwanya, T., & Wakunuma, K. (2023). Promoting gender inclusivity in the gig economy in Kenya. HIIG Impact Publication Series. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7572535 Publication details

Kwanya, T., & Wakunuma, K. (2023). Mainstreaming gig work in the labour laws in Kenya. HIIG Impact Publication Series. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7572506 Publication details

Babo, S. R. S., & Odame, A. (2023). Where have all the women gone? The gender gap in Ghana’s gig economy. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2023(2). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7913207 Publication details

Vilchez, P. (2023). Venturing on a double trend. Digital startups for climate action in Mexico. HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2023(3). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7915646 Publication details

Other publications

Hemsteede, R., & Pokharel, P. (2023). Preparing, Responding or Restoring – How Technology is Currently Used in Relation to Climate Change and Rainforest Protection in Indonesia. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Ado, A. (2023). L’Entrepreneuriat Numérique Durable au Bénin: Opportunités, Défis et Stratégies. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Akaki, P. P., Aleem, A., Burlinghaus, E., Carmona, A. S., Cervera, R., Cardozo, J. I., Vilchez, P., Pheakdey, D. V., von Richthofen, G. (2023). Digital Entrepreneurship in Vietnam’s Green Tech Sector. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Stapel, P., Fenzlein, H., Köpper, J., & Wiese, M. (2023). Sustainable Spatial Transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren. Towards a hub for innovation, economic development and digital transformation. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Kwanya, T., & Wakunuma, K. (2023). Regulation of digital platforms for a socially-just gig economy in Kenya. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Bohn, S. (2023). Saving orangutan habitats – digital technology and rainforest protection in Indonesia. encore. Publication details

Cervera, R., Vilchez, P., & von Richthofen, G. (2023). Digital entrepreneurship for climate in Mexico. An analysis of challenges and implications. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Lectures and presentations

The impact of digitalisation on cities
Placemaking Week Europe. Placemaking Europe. Teucro, Pontevedra, Spain: 30.09.2022

Christian Grauvogel

How to build a database (?)
HIIG Lunch Talks (Session: HIIG Lunch Talk). Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany: 20.04.2022

Moritz Timm


Physical places for digital innovation
Placemaking Week Europe 2022. Placemaking Europe. Campás, Pontevedra, Spain: 28.09.2022

Christian Grauvogel

How to Transition Temporary Use into Long-Term Development
Placemaking Week Europe 2022. Placemaking Europe. Museo, Pontevedra, Spain: 28.09.2022

Christian Grauvogel

Moderation of workshops and panels

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Artificial intelligence and sustainability. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Digital Transformation Center Mexico. Hotel Novit, Mexico City, Mexico: 14.02.2023 Further information

Christian Grauvogel, Sarah Spitz

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital entrepreneurship for climate. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Digital Transformation Center Mexico. Hotel Novit, Mexico City, Mexico: 13.02.2023

Christian Grauvogel, Sarah Spitz

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital technology for rainforest protection. Digital Transformation Center Indonesia. Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Indonesia: 13.12.2022 Further information

Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities of Green Entrepreneurship for Climate Change in Vietnam
Green Economy Forum & Exhibition (GEFE). EuroCham Vietnam. THISO SkyHall, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: 30.11.2022

Christian Grauvogel

Green technologies: Opportunities and challenges for sustainable digitalisation working for climate. Goethe-Institut Hanoi. Goethe-Institut Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam: 25.11.2022 Further information

Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Towards a fairer online platform economy in Kenya. Digital Transformation Center Kenya. PrideInn Azure Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya: 09.11.2022

Fabian Stephany

Public presentation: Study on the sustainable spatial transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren. Digital Transformation Center Kosovo. Innovation and Training Park (ITP), Prizren, Kosovo: 05.10.2022 Further information

Christian Grauvogel

Multi Stakeholder Dialogue: Policies towards fairer online gig work. Digital Transformation Center Ghana. Marriott Hotel, Accra, Ghana: 25.07.2022

Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Sustainable and adaptable transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren. Digital Transformation Center Kosovo. Innovation and Training Park (ITP), Prizren, Kosovo: 01.06.2022

Christian Grauvogel

Organisation of events

Online Roundtable Discussion: How can we accelerate the production and adoption of e-government services in Morocco?
17.03.2023. Online, Rabat, Morocco. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Morocco (International) Further information

Marie Blüml, Fabian Stephany

Online Roundtable Discussion: How can we accelerate the production and adoption of e-government services in Morocco?
From 17.03.2023 to 17.03.2023. Online, Rabat, Morocco (International) Further information

Marie Blüml, Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Artificial intelligence and sustainability
14.02.2023. Hotel Novit, Mexico City, Mexico. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Mexico (International)

Paul Vilchez, Sarah Spitz, Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital entrepreneurship for climate
13.02.2023. Hotel Novit, Mexico City, Mexico. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Mexico (International) Further information

Paul Vilchez, Sarah Spitz, Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Digital technology for rainforest protection
13.12.2022. Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Indonesien. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Indonesia (International)

Stephan Bohn, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Panel discussion: Digital technology for rainforest protection
13.12.2022. Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta, Indonesia. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Indonesia (International)

Stephan Bohn, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities of Green Entrepreneurship for Climate Change in Vietnam
Green Economy Forum & Exhibition (GEFE). 30.11.2022. THISO SkyHall, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (International)

Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Panel discussion: Green Technology, Entrepreneurship & Climate
Green Economy Forum & Exhibition (GEFE). 30.11.2022. THISO SkyHall, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (International)

Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Green technologies: Opportunities and challenges for sustainable digitalisation working for climate
25.11.2022. Goethe-Institut Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam (International)

Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Panel discussion: Workers’ Rights and Platforms’ Responsibility – Towards a Fairer Online Platform Economy in Kenya
09.11.2022. PrideInn Azure Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya (International) Further information

Marie Blüml, Fabian Stephany, Moritz Timm

Multi-stakeholder-dialogue: Towards a fairer online platform economy in Kenya
09.11.2022. PrideInn Azure Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya (International)

Marie Blüml, Fabian Stephany, Moritz Timm

Research sprint: Green Technology, Entrepreneurship & Climate
From 11.10.2022 to 30.11.2022. online, Hanoi, Vietnam. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Vietnam (International)

Melanie Chan, Katja Derichs, Ann-Kristin Ziesemer, Georg von Richthofen, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Public presentation: Study on the sustainable spatial transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren
05.10.2022. Innovation and Training Park (ITP), Prizren, Kosovo. Co-Organised by: Octagon Architekturkollektiv, Digital Transformation Center Kosovo (International) Further information

Christian Grauvogel

Between Benin & Berlin: Research & Impact at the Intersection of Sustainability & Digitalization
Bits & Bäume. Die Konferenz für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. 01.10.2022. TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany (International) Further information

Georg von Richthofen

Panel discussion: The future of online labour markets and regulation of the platform economy
26.07.2022. Marriott Hotel, Accra, Ghana (International) Further information

Marie Blüml, Fabian Stephany, Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Governing a polarised market – Policies towards fairer online gig-work
25.07.2022. Marriott Hotel, Accra, Ghana (International)

Marie Blüml, Fabian Stephany, Christian Grauvogel

Panel discussion: AI for Social Good? Chances And Risks Of Applying AI In Sustainable Entrepreneurship
07.07.2022. Palais des Congrès, Cotonou, Benin (International) Further information

Georg von Richthofen, Marie Blüml, Christian Grauvogel

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Sustainable Digital Entrepreneurship in Benin and Francophone West and Central Africa
06.07.2022. Golden Tulip Hotel, Cotonou, Benin (International) Further information

Georg von Richthofen, Marie Blüml, Christian Grauvogel

Meeting: Ethics of digitalisation, African sovereignty and the role of journalism
From 23.06.2022 to 24.06.2022. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International)

Moritz Timm

Multi-stakeholder dialogue: Sustainable and adaptable transformation of the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren
01.06.2022. Innovation and Training Park (ITP), Prizren, Kosovo. Co-Organised by: Octagon Architekturkollektiv, Digital Transformation Center Kosovo (International)

Christian Grauvogel

Research sprint: Sustainable Digital Economies
From 31.05.2022 to 27.07.2022. online, Accra, Ghana. Co-Organised by: Digital Transformation Center Ghana (International)

Katja Derichs, Ann-Kristin Ziesemer, Fabian Braesemann, Marie Blüml, Fabian Stephany, Christian Grauvogel, Moritz Timm

Funding & duration

November 2021 – April 2023

Funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

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