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Sascha Schönig

Sascha is in the middle of his master’s degree and a student at the Institute for Sociology of the TU-Berlin. During his bachelor’s degree he specialized in transnational inequalities and the uprising of mass movements via social media.

His Bachelor thesis shed a light on the satisfaction of sociology students since the Bologna-process to identify possible changes in the university system like the highly discussed “Verschulung” (meaning “school-like-teaching”) of Humanities. This was done via qualitative and quantitative methods.

Before he joined the FP3 Team on the IMPaQT-Project at HIIG, he worked for three years as a student assistant at the Institute for medical Sociology and Rehabilitation of Charitè Berlin.

Other publications

Sokolovska, N., Rothgang, M., Schönig S., & Bergschneider, H. (2025). Repod – Access to scientific expertise. Guidelines for the support of scientific policy advice. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Sokolovska, N., Rothgang, M., Schönig S., & Bergschneider, H. (2025). Repod – Access to scientific expertise. Guidelines for the support of scientific policy advice. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details

Züger, T. & Schönig, S. (2024). The (potential) impact of AI on the individual research process and science in general. Elephant in the Lab. Publication details

Pohle, J., & Schönig, S. (2024). “You will see ChatGPT as a really big threat, because it always produces good text”: An Interview with Jörg Pohle. Elephant In The Lab. Publication details

Sokolovska, N., Rothgang, M., Schönig S., & Bergschneider, H. (2024). Repod – der Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Expertise. Leitfaden für die Unterstützung wissenschaftlicher Politikberatung. HIIG Impact Publication Series. Publication details


Demokratische Wissenschaftskommunikation in Deutschland – quo vadis?
Wisskomm Connected Konferenz – Forschung und Praxis der Wissenschaftskommunikation gemeinsam gestalten. Transfer Unit: Wissenschaftskommunikation. Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), Berlin, Germany: 11.09.2024 Further information

Sascha Schönig

Organisation of events

Train-the-Trainer-Programm (2)
From 29.10.2024 to 29.10.2024. Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Berlin School of Public Engagement (BSOPE) am Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (MfN) und der Scicomm-Support (National) Further information

Sascha Schönig, Nataliia Sokolovska

Dealing with hostility in science communication
From 23.09.2024 to 24.09.2024. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Berlin School of Public Engagement and Open Science (BSOPE) at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (MfN)Berlin School of Public Engagement (BSOPE) am Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (MfN) and the Scicomm-Support (International) Further information

Sascha Schönig, Nataliia Sokolovska

Train-the-Trainer-Programm (1)
From 06.06.2024 to 06.06.2024. Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Berlin School of Public Engagement (BSOPE) am Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (MfN) und der Scicomm-Support. (National) Further information

Sascha Schönig, Nataliia Sokolovska



Student assistant: Knowledge & Society