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Short News

Everyday life in times of datafication

The lecture on everyday experiences of living with datafication and data-related inequalities is now available on YouTube.

European Platform Alternatives

New insights into the practices of platform companies, solutions for regulation and how the European platform economy can become a sustainable alternative in the global market.

Internet and Society Hybrid Fellowship 2022

Interested researchers can apply for the internationally oriented programme until 24 November 2021.

Judith Simon: The ethics of AI and Big Data

The recording of the lecture on the threat of AI systems to civil rights and liberties is now available online.

News from our research

The Quarterly Newsletter gives you an overview of our activities, projects & events of the last three months.

Scholar-led and community-paid?

On 26 October, we are co-hosting an event on scholarly OA publishing with the Berlin OA Office.

Digital Hell’s Care?

Am 27. Oktober diskutieren wir mit euch, ob die Digitalisierung dringend benötigte Lösungen für Probleme im Gesundheitswesen liefern kann.

What has the Pandemic Taught us About “Open Science”?

On 1 November, Benedikt Fecher discusses the impact of Open Science on research.

Alexander Schiff: Informationsintermediäre

In a phase of upheaval in legal access to information intermediaries, the author points out perspectives for reform.

How much digital policy is in the election programs?

As of today, interested parties can check the party programs for the Bundestag elections for digital issues and compare them with each other.

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