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Magazine launch: encore Volume 2020/2021

The new encore magazine is published: Explore the inspiring articles on civic engagement, Platform Governance and visionary futures!

Postdoc (m/f/d) for DUCAH

For the Data&Society Interface we are looking for a postdoc with expertise in the health sector. Applications until 08.02!

First Annual Conference of the Platform Governance Research Network

We welcome papers on platform governance, its necessity and impact. Submit by 15 February!

AI and women*

The new white paper presents ideas and proposals for a more diverse AI and, above all, for a higher participation of women* in the development process.

HIIG intensifies AI research

Soon, two new international research projects will start. They aim at researching AI and its societal construction.

Platform innovation in small and medium-sized businesses

What are the obstacles and conditions for success for platform innovation in small and medium-sized businesses? What are the policy options for funding?

Stream: Iyad Rahwan – How to trust machines? 16.12.

Iyad Rahwan explores various psychological, social, cultural, and political factors that shape our trust in machines and pleads for the accomplishment of the challenges of the information revolution not only to be understood as a problem of computer science.

International researchers call for accountability and transparency

“The Ethics of Digitalisation” project has completed its first research sprint and published three policy briefs, calling for more transparency and accountability concerning algorithmic content moderation.

Jung. Digital. Engagiert. – Launch of the portrait series

Arranged in six subject areas, the series presents examples of digital engagement in the form of reports, interviews and scientific texts.

Artificial Intelligence and the Human

In addition to contributions, we welcome case studies on technologies and their precursors as well as on the social, ethical or political contexts in which they are applied.

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