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News from HIIG

Learn about a new research center, the research impact canvas, recent publications and events by HIIG.

Open positions at HIIG

Join our interdisciplinary team – whether as a researcher, a postdoc or a coordinator for science communication!

Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism

Tune in on 6 November at 7 pm for the live stream with Shoshana Zuboff at Urania in Berlin.

Impactful science communication

With the help of a newly developed science communication tool, HIIG trains researchers in knowledge transfer during its international Impact School.

We are starting our second season!

How do we hold internet companies accountable? After a summer break, the second season starts with an episode about Ranking Digital Rights and Free Basics in Myanmar.

AI expertise for startups and SMEs

Companies can look forward to more support in the field of artificial intelligence: Our trainers from _Gemeinsam Digital offer advise on opportunities and concrete implementation of AI applications.

Futures of eHealth

New publication edited by HIIG researchers shows previously unimagined possibilities and new ethical challenges of the digitalisation in the healthcare sector.

Internet and Society Fellowship 2020

You want to immerse yourself deeper into the digital society? Apply until 2 September and join our interdisciplinary team!

Impact School 2019

Knowledge transfer and science communication are rarely the subject of scientific education. Sign up until 31 July!

Read the newest issue

The latest issue of our newsletter is here! Find out more about our research on AI and knowledge work, upcoming events dealing with impact in science, and more...

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