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Daniel Miller: The global evolution of smart technologie

On 21 November, the world-famous internet anthropologist will talk about his ten years of research.

Forging resilient & creative universities

We are looking for university study programmes for our field research to redefine EdTech for universities.

Safe in data traffic

How can citizens be effectively informed by advertisers about the possible risks of using their personal data and options for meaningful intervention?

Experiment: AI explained in human terms

With two online experiments, the limits and possibilities of AI systems can now be tested using the example of facial detection and recognition.

Conference: Shifting AI Controviersies

We are looking for interdisciplinary prompts, provocations & problematisations for society-centered AI.



New card game: AI Compass

Whether in schools, universities or in the private sector, the AI Compass promotes a creative exchange on public good-oriented artificial intelligence.

Scholar-led publishing

New practical guide for open access journals provides the basics and valuable know-how for successful publication work.

SciComm Support

Our project CAPAZ establishes a nationwide contact point for attacks and unobjective conflicts in science communication.

Digitale Orte im Land der Ideen

We are looking for projects that show how smart rural life can be! Whether places, hubs, tools or apps: the best ideas will be awarded.

Upgrade Democracy

Vote now on three suggested topics and help decide which one will be reflected on with experts in August and result in an impulse paper.

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