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Digitaler Salon: LOL war gestern

Cat falls off the sofa: Roflmao, epic fail! Dumbness prevails, deal with it! On 28 February, we are going to discuss memes and online humour at Digitaler Salon: What goes viral? Are AI and robots going to make everybody laugh in the near future?

Future and uncertainty in the digital society

What does prediction by algorithms and AI mean? How does AI shift our understanding and production of knowledge? And how do algorithmic forecasts affect our relationship with the future? Elena Esposito, one of the leading advocates of systems theory, will continue our lecture series on 12 March. Sign up now!

Brand new: encore Volume 2017

encore is just off the presses – transformed into a high-profile magazine on internet and society research. Share the latest issue with your friends, colleagues and family members and read what Manuel Castells, Tarleton Gillespie, José van Dijck and Bill Dutton say about the digital society.

We are hiring!

You are interested in internet-enabled innovation, open innovation and entrepreneurship? Then apply as a scientific project manager at our institute and join HIIG's international research team – we look forward to meeting you!

Out now: HIIG Quarterly

2018 has gotten off to an exciting start! Read HIIG's Quarterly newsletter to learn more about our plans for this year, digital research mining, micro-targeting voters, artificial intelligence and human rights, the academic lecture series with Christoph Neuberger and Elena Esposito, and much more...

Kick-off: Digital REseArch Mining (DREAM)

How can we facilitate accessing scientific literature in the digital age? The aim of our new project with FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik is to develop an app with a personal publication feed, which will allow its users to wipe off (un-)interesting articles and to rate texts.

Special Issue on political micro-targeting

Since Cambridge Analytics, micro-targeting is hyped as a tool capable of tailoring political messages to individuals. Shifting the focus away from the US, Internet Policy Review's new special issue takes a closer look on its capabilities and limitations.

Dossier: Algorithmic decisions and human rights

From smart assistants in the justice, over systems in the administration sector to highly developed portable devices: Innovations in AI are impacting nearly every area of our life. However, algorithmic decision-making leads to complex human rights implications. Our new dossier discusses the role of law and ethics.

Workshop: AI & governing communication online

Artificial intelligence technology has increasingly found applications in the area of content moderation and communication governance on digital platforms. What are the risks for online expression? What future impact will AI systems have on access to information? Apply until 25 January!

Democracy and public sphere in the digital society

What happens with our central democratic values like freedom, equality and truth in the digital society?How does the public sphere fulfill its function of forming a societal self-understanding in times of hate speech and fake news? Upcoming lecture with Christoph Neuberger on 30 January 2018. Sign up now!

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