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Digitaler Salon: App’s Anatomy

The doctors in the phone track our cycle or analyse the blood sugar level. Have family physicians become obsolete and do digital tools turn us into hypochondriacs? On 31 January 2018, we will discuss artificial intelligence systems for medicine at Digitaler Salon. Join us!

Happy new year!

What was your favorite HIIG moment in 2017? Our advent calendar gives you a glimpse of the past year's research and hot topics in 2018. Thank you so much for following our work and supporting us. We wish you a joyful start into 2018!

Otfried Jarren honored by Schader-Stiftung

The HIIG congratulates Otfried Jarren, chairman of the foundation board of the Foundation for Internet and Society, which supports the institute, for his award by the Schader-Stiftung for his contributions to media politics and his achievements as a scienctific manager.

Workshop: Nudging and Digital Platforms

Are digital platforms the new ‘iron cages’ of society? Will Big-Data-based nudging lead us into a technocratic future of cyber-social control? Is China’s Social Credit System but the forerunner of similar systems in Western societies? Sign up for our workshop on 10 January 2018!

Video: Manuel Castells in Berlin

On 12 December, the influential sociologist Manuel Castells inaugurated our new academic lecture series on “Making sense of the digital society“ at Kino International Berlin. Now, the video of his lecture on power and counter-power in the digital society is available online!

Castells inaugurates lecture series on digital society

The current rapid social and technological change brings about enormous uncertainties – a great need for explanations and sense-making but also of shaping our common future. Starting with an inaugural lecture by Manuel Castells on 12 December 2017, the lecture series addresses fundamental questions of the digital age.

New study: Collaboration with startups fosters innovative capacity

The collaboration between startups and medium-sized companies promises major advantages for both sides. Furthermore, it contributes to Germany's innovative capacity. A new HIIG study investigates in a qualitative manner how to encourage more cooperations.

Digitaler Salon: Hacking the Ivory Tower

How can science have a greater impact on society? And how are science slammers and open access related to this? At the last Digitaler Salon in 2017, we'll be digging into paywalls and bookshelves. Join us for discussion!

Now available: HIIG Quarterly

Why did two HIIG researchers sign a letter to Mark Zuckerberg? When is Manuel Castells going to kick off our new lecture series? How does the EU fight cyber crimes, and what was the thing with the "ivory tower" again? Read the October edition of HIIG's Quarterly!

European internet research on the rise

Together with other institutes we started a new platform for scientific cooperation and exchange. The recently founded "European Hub" aims at strenghtening european internet research in order to contribute to a better understanding of the digital society.

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