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DISRUPTED! at Tech Open Air

For the first time ever and in collaboration with HIIG, Tech Open Air offers an exclusive conference format for Mittelstand, Corporates and Startups. At DISRUPTED! on 13 July, we will discuss best practices, challenges and opportunities for disruptive innovation in an unconventional setting:

Digitaler Salon: Dr. Algorithm

Longer and better living through personalised pills and nanorobots? What is the influence of AI on medicine? And what to do with the health related data? Discuss with us on 30 August!

Open lunch: International Cybersecurity Policy

How can cybersecurity be ensured through international cooperation at the UN level? At our upcoming lunch talk on 5 July 2017, Karsten Geier (German Federal Foreign Office, UN) will provide some background information, an overview on new developments, and discuss possible new steps.

IoT & Trust: Conference Brochure

The move from the internet of computers to the internet of things depends on social acceptance for these increasingly autonomous systems. From 22 to 23 February 2017, a transdisciplinary conference at HIIG focused on the role of trust in the adoption of new technologies and explored its interplay with IoT.

Digitaler Salon: Internet killed the Videostar

Which music emerges in the age of technological reproducibility? How are artists using new technologies and at which point does a remix become a new song? The upcoming Digitaler Salon is taking place on 31 May 2017 at HIIG. Join us for the discussion and the ensuing live set – analogically or digitally!

Digitaler Salon: Ein Herz für Cyborgs

Smart robotic hands, leg prosthesis systems and printed organs: Is smart technology a panacea? Where does 3D printing lead us to, and what are its legal effects? Discuss with us at the upcoming Digitaler Salon on 28 June!

German Internet-Institute in Berlin

The German Internet-Institute will open in Berlin. The HIIG welcomes the decision by the ministry for education. As a network partner of the new institute, the HIIG is looking forward to future cooperation. The institute will start its work still in 2017.

Digitaler Salon: Lost in Neuland?

The special event in July is dealing with digital election issues: German politicians have overlooked digital change. During the 2017 election campaign, we raise the questions: What goes wrong, how do we make up the leeway and where do we want to go? Discuss with us on 26 July 2017!

Open Lunch: Infrastructuring Connectivity

The Internet is usually pictured as immaterial and fluid. The heavy industry and vast energy-consuming infrastructure securing the functionality of web services, as well as its social and environmental effects, remain mainly invisible. On 21 June, Asta Vonderau offers a infrastructural perspective on the Internet:

Dossier: Platform Governance

More and more people and institutions communicate via Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and co. The rules of platforms for sorting and blocking, for liking and sharing determine whose voices get heard, how content is being framed and who gets access to which data.

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