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The Internet as a Challenge for State, Law and Society – Workshop Talks

The colloquium gives an insight the most important fields of law and current legal issues related to the Internet. Selected experts from science and practice will examine the relevant topics from their own perspective.

The course is offered as a unit. Click here for registration.

Linked Production Workshops 2015

Linked workflows, new technologies and standards determine the production, archiving and distribution of audiovisual media.

Only those who improve their knowledge, use collaborative and networked technologies and deal with the handling of large amounts of data und metadata will remain competitive. To the workshops.

Paper published in PLOS ONE

Despite widespread support from policy makers, funding agencies, and scientific journals, academic researchers rarely make their research data available to others. HIIG researchers Benedikt Fecher and Sascha Friesike ask in their paper "What Drives Academic Data Sharing?", which was recently published in peer-reviewed scientific journal PLOS ONE.

Lunch talk with Peter Thiel – Record is online now

PayPal founder, investor and book author Peter Thiel visited us on 21 February. We talked with him about Startups and his new book «Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future.» To the video.

We are looking for student employees (m/f). – Apply now!

Currently, we are seeking students from various areas of study, – We offer you a job in an interdisciplinary environment with dedicated colleagues and a challenging work spectrum. Check the offers and apply.

The records of the conference “Privacy and data protection” are available online

All keynotes and discussion of the conference "Privacy and data protection in times of big data, state surveillance and digital globalisation" from 3 December were recorded. You can watch them here.

General Online Research Conference – Call for Papers – Deadline on 15 November

Call for Papers for the General Online Research Conference 2015. – Submit your abstract until 15 November 2014. HIIG is partner of the conference and is responsible for Track B which covers research in the area of Internet and Society.

Paper published in First Monday Journal on the Internet

Digital technologies carry the promise of transforming science and opening up the research process. In their paper "Putting open science into practice: A social dilemma?" HIIG researchers Kaja Scheliga & Sascha Friesike analyse the discrepancy between the concept of open science and scholarly reality. It was published in the First Monday Journal.

ICANN Accountability & Governance Public Experts

HIIG director Jeanette Hofmann was announced member of the ICANN Accountability & Governance Public Experts Group. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) coordinates key technical services critical to the continued operations of the Internet's underlying address book, the Domain Name System (DNS).

Extended: Call for Participation ESRC 2014

In the light of current interest, we would like to extend the Call for Papers for the Early Stage Researchers Colloquium 2014 until 1 September 2014. This year’s colloquium will be held on 9 October 2014 in Berlin and consists of two thematically focused tracks on 'Pay per pixel' and 'Private information – open debates'. You can apply for paper presentation or participation only.

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