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First annual reserach magazine released

More than an annual review: The first volume of our annual research magazine encore just got published. encore's intention is to make public what we do and how we address the manifold links between Internet and society. Get an insight on how we work and enjoy reading!

Science 2.0 Conference | Live stream

How does Social Media change research and publication processes? The International Science 2.0 Conference addresses this issue and will air a live stream of their findings. As a member of the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0, the HIIG is represented by Benedikt Fecher and Kaja Scheliga, who will both give a talk.

SSRN Paper Series: New paper published

We published a new paper in the SSRN Paper Series. The article focuses on the participation in on-line co-creation. HIIG researchers Send, Friesike and Zuch analysed how to create and upheld motivation for co-creations. The article provides an overview of the research in that area.

HIIG Fellowship – Online Application until next Monday (17 March)

For outstanding scholars from all over the world, the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society offers the opportunity to visit our institute for a subject-specific exchange. Find further information, a report of our last year's fellows and our online application form attached.

Cloud Strategy for Chile

The Commission that was doing research on a Chilean Cloud strategy is going to present their results to the Chilean minister of foreign affairs and the minister of economic affairs this Friday. The HIIG, represented by Osvaldo Saldias, initiated the discussion and accompanied the research process. Read more

RightsCon Silicon Valley

The RightsCon 2014, which focuses on advancing solutions to human rights challenges by concentrating on the possibilities within the technology sector, takes place from 3-5 March. Our doctoral researchers K. Gollatz, J. Staben and T. Züger participate with various talks.


The Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society starts the joint research project ‘D-Werft‘. The project, which resides at the world’s oldest film location, Babelsberg, will help to prepare producers and artist for the upcoming changes in the film production industry. Read more.

General Online Research Conference

Online research is everywhere. The 16th General Online Research Conference (#GOR14) will provide various presentations on online research methods, online market research, social media research and studies on the Internet and society. It will take place in Cologne from 05 to 07 March 2014 – and we are very happy to be programme partner.

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