Clara Iglesias Keller, Dr.
Clara Iglesias Keller is a fellow at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut from October 2019 to April 2020, where she is further developing her research on regulatory strategies towards disinformation. She holds a Doctoral (2019) and a Masters (2011) diploma in Public Law from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ (Brazil), having written her thesis on regulatory legitimacy requirements of public policies towards internet based services. She also holds and L.LM in IT, Media and Communications Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science (2012).
Clara has broad and diversified experience in the fields of IT, media and communications regulation, as well as constitutional and administrative law. As a visiting lecturer, she has ministered technology regulation in Fundação Getulio Vargas – FGV/RJ and Constitutional Law in UERJ. There, she also acted as pro bono advocate for the Human Rights Clinic and as executive editor for academic law journal Publicum. At FGV/RJ she has also acted as senior researcher for the project “Supremo em Números” (“Supreme Court in numbers”), where she conduced empirical and theoretical research focused on the jurisprudence of Brazilian courts), aiming to promote legal knowledge and apply computer technologies to the processing of legal data. She has also served in the advisory board of the Brazilian Audiovisual Regulatory Agency – ANCINE and as legal counsel for media conglomerates and different law firms.
Clara has authored different academic papers within her fields of research and is the author of the book “National regulation of internet based services: exception, legitimacy and the role of States” (originally written in Portuguese – “Regulação nacional de serviços na internet – exceção, legitimidade e o papel do Estado” -, LumenJuris, 2019).
Other publications
Heldt, A. & Iglesias Keller, C. (2018). Fake News and Elections – How researchers tackle the problem of information manipulation strategies during election campaigns, [Audio Podcast] Exploring digital spheres – a podcast by HIIG. Retrieved from: Publication details
Organisation of events
Malicious (ab)use of Artificial Intelligencewith attending Vip: Oskar Josef Gstrein, Andrej Zwitter, Daria Dergacheva. 29.08.2022. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Data Research Center (International) Further information
Sarah Spitz, Taís Fernanda Blauth, Thomas Christian Bächle, Clara Iglesias Keller
The First Annual Conference of the Platform Governance Research NetworkFrom 24.03.2021 to 26.03.2021. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) (International) Further information
Robert Gorwa, João Carlos Magalhães, Clara Iglesias Keller, Amélie Heldt, Christian Katzenbach
Data protection and regulation in BrazilData protection and regulation in Brazil – Lunch talk with Clara Iglesias Keller. From 31.10.2018 to 31.10.2018. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International) Further information
Clara Iglesias Keller

Former Associated Researcher: The developing digital society