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Jonas Kaiser

Jonas Kaiser is an Associate Researcher at HIIG, Affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, and DFG Research Fellow. His research is located at the intersection of digital and political communication. Jonas’ research interests are online extremism, public sphere theory, online misinformation, and digital methods.

He is currently working on a book for Oxford University Press on how the far-right in Germany and the United States is (ab)using the internet’s affordances. Jonas earned his PhD (Dr. phil.) at Zeppelin University for his thesis about climate change skepticism in Germany. His work has been published in journals like International Journal of Communication, Communication and the Public or Environmental Communication and has been featured in media outlets like Süddeutsche Zeitung, New York Times or BuzzFeed. He won the best paper award in the Environmental Communication division at ICA 2017. At HIIG he is looking into where and how scientific findings are being shared online.

Jonas Kaiser


Associated Researcher: Knowledge & Society

Journal articles and conference proceedings

Kaiser, J., & Rauchfleisch, A. (2019). Integrating Concepts of Counterpublics into Generalised Public Sphere Frameworks: Contemporary Transformations in Radical Forms. Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture. DOI: /10.1080/13183222.2018.1558676 Publication details

Kaiser, J. (2017). Public Spheres of Skepticism: Climate Skeptics’ Online Comments in the German Networked Public Sphere. International Journal of Communication, 11, 1661-1682. Publication details

Kaiser, J., Rauchfleisch, A., & Bourassa, N. (2017). Building Bridges with Breitbart: A Topic Model Analysis of Online Media Coverage During the US Presidential Election 2016. Proceedings of IAMCR 2017. Publication details

Kaiser, J. & Rhomberg, M. (2017). Bridging the Climate Divide? Assessing the IPCC’s Agenda Building Function in German News Media, Climate Blogosphere, and Comment Sections. Proceedings of ICA 2017. Publication details

Kaiser, J. & Puschmann, C. (2017). Alliance of antagonism: Counterpublics and polarization in online climate change communication. Communication and the Public, 1-17. Publication details

Other publications

Kaiser, J. (2018). Catching up with “Neuland”, Predictions for Journalism 2019. NiemanLab. Publication details

Kaiser, J. & Rauchfleisch, A. (2017). YouTubes Algorithmen sorgen dafür, dass AfD-Fans unter sich bleiben. Motherboard Vice. Publication details

Kaiser, J. (2017). Fake News: Der Lackmustest für die politische Öffentlichkeit. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Publication details

Fecher, B. & Kaiser, J. (2015). Collapsing Ivory Towers? A hyperlink analysis of the German academic blogosphere. The Impact Blog. Publication details

Lectures and presentations

The road to hell is paved with good algorithms: Filter bubbles on YouTube in the United States and in Germany
The 69th Annual International Communication Association Conference (Session: Algorithms, Blockchain and Data Communication and Technology). International Communications Association (ICA). Hilton Hotel, Washington D.C., U.S.A.: 27.05.2019 Further information

Jonas Kaiser

In the heartland of climate skepticism: A hyperlink network analysis of German climate skeptics and the US right-wing
The 69th Annual International Communication Association Conference (Session: Politics and Partisanship: New Directions in the Politicization of Environmental Issues). International Communications Association (ICA). Hilton Hotel, Washington D.C., U.S.A.: 24.05.2019 Further information

Jonas Kaiser

Algorithmic Discrimination and Algorithmic Radicalization
The Committee of Inquiry on “Algorithmic Discrimination and Algorithmic Radicalization” at the Thuringian State Parliament (Session: Algorithmic Discrimination and Algorithmic Radicalization). Thüringer Landtag, Erfurt, Germany: 20.05.2019

Jonas Kaiser

Reddit’s up’s and down’s. Understanding the logic behind successful participative science communication on Reddit
Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Wissenschaftskommunikation (Session: Fachgruppe Wissenschaftskommunikation). TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany: 07.02.2019

Jonas Kaiser

The Dark Side of the Public Sphere: Right-Wing Counterpublics in the US Elections
Political Communication in Times of Crisis: New Challenges, Trends & Possibilities. ECREA. Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland: 22.11.2017

Jonas Kaiser, Adrian Rauchfleisch

Politics of Discourse: Fake News Controversy in Germany and how it solidifies in new institutional arrangements
AoIR 2017 Networked Publics (Session: Misinformation, Propaganda and "Fake News": A European Perspective). Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR). University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia: 19.10.2017

Kirsten Gollatz, Jonas Kaiser, Cornelius Puschmann

The Dark Side of the Public Sphere: Right-Wing Counterpublics in the US Elections
AoIR 2017. University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia: 19.10.2017

Jonas Kaiser, Adrian Rauchfleisch, Nikki Bourassa

The Right-Wing Web: Online counterpublics, dissent, and the case of the US election
MALfunction #5: Dissent. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA: 03.07.2017

Kaiser, J.

Bots and Users
67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). San Diego, San Diego, USA: 28.05.2017

Jonas Kaiser

Assessing the IPCC’s Agenda Building Function in German News Media, Climate Blogosphere, and Comment Sections
67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). San Diego, San Diego, USA: 26.05.2017

Jonas Kaiser, Markus Rhomberg

Media appearances

How a change to YouTube’s AI could make the site even more addictive (30.10.2019). Telegraph UK
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YouTube's algorithm may not be radicalizing people, it's just made it easier for people with far-right views to find a community, a new study suggests (24.10.2019). Business Insider
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Noch mehr Filterblasen bei YouTube? (02.10.2019). Technology Review
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The Weekly Episode 9: ‘The Rabbit Hole’ (09.08.2019). The New York Times
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YouTube hat ein Pädophilie-Problem (05.06.2019). SPIEGEL ONLINE
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On YouTube’s Digital Playground, an Open Gate for Pedophiles (04.06.2019). The New York Times
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Deep-Fakes: Fälschungen mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz (30.04.2019). Deutschlandfunk
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Werden die Plattformen endlich erwachsen? (16.02.2019). Deutschlandfunk Kultur
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Mit jedem Klick weiter nach rechts (13.11.2018). taz
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Unter Beobachtung - Soziale Medien im US-Wahlkampf (24.10.2018). Tiroler Tageszeitung
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German Alt-Right Loves This Fake ‘Refugee Crime’ Map (27.02.2017). Daily Beast
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Algorithmen und Bots - die neuen Meinungsmacher? (13.07.2017). MDR
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The rise of the German alt-right (20.09.2017). EUObserver
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Youtube schottet rechte Nutzer von anderen Meinungen ab (11.10.2017). Süddeutsche Zeitzung
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Wie Youtube eine Filterblase für Rechte schafft (25.10.2017). Weser Kurier
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