Martin J. Riedl
Martin Riedl is doctoral student and teaching assistant at the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. In the summer of 2018 he was a Visiting Fellow in the research program “The evolving digital society” at HIIG and is now Associated Researcher exploring Internet governance from a transatlantic perspective.
In his research Martin primarily contemplates questions concerning content moderation, the labor conditions of moderators of user-generated content, as well as policy and governance of social media platforms, and the German Network Enforcement Act.
Martin’s research areas comprise (1) incivility in online news comments, journalistic professionalism and issues of social media sharing of online news content, (2) editorial work, governance and policy decisions at social media enterprises, and (3) the analysis of content moderation – with a particular emphasis on work conditions and practices of moderators, ethical aspects of outsourcing and crowdsourcing, and health-related aspects of emotional wellness.
Martin has a Bachelor’s degree in journalism and media management (Vienna), a Master’s in communication studies from Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, and a Master’s in social sciences from Humboldt University of Berlin.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Chen, G.M., Riedl, M.J., Shermak, J., Brown, J., & Tenenboim, O. (2019). Breakdown of democratic norms? Understanding the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election through online comments. Social Media + Society. Publication details
Chen, G. M., Ng, Y. M. M., Riedl, M. J., & Chen, V. (2019). Gaming the news: Exposure to online political quizzes boosts interest in politics, political news, and political engagement. Journal of Information Technology and Politics. DOI: 10.1080/19331681.2019.1680475 Publication details
Kilgo, D.K., Ng, Y.M.M., Riedl, M.J. & Lacasa-Mas, I. (2018). Reddit’s veil of anonymity: Predictors of engagement and participation in media environments with hostile reputations. Social Media + Society. DOI: 10.1177/2056305118810216 Publication details
Vu, H.T., Jiang, L., Cueva Chacón, L.M., Riedl, M.J., Tran, D., & Bobkowski, P. (2018). What influences media effects on public perception? A cross-national study of comparative agenda setting. International Communication Gazette. DOI: 10.1177/1748048518817652 Publication details
Kilgo, D.K., Lough, K. & Riedl, M.J. (2017). Emotional appeals and news values as factors of shareworthiness in Ice Bucket Challenge coverage. Digital Journalism. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2017.1387501 Publication details
Other publications
Riedl, M.J. (2019). Squeaky-clean internet – Martin Riedl about the well-being of content moderators, [Audio Podcast] Exploring digital spheres – a podcast by HIIG. Retrieved from: Publication details
Gollatz, K., Riedl, M. J. & Pohlmann, J. (2018). Removals of Online Hate Speech in Numbers. Digital Society Blog, HIIG Science Blog, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany. Cross-posted at Media Policy Project Blog, London School of Economics, London, UK. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Weaponizing internet governance: Comparing the German Network Enforcement Act and FOSTA-SESTA in the United StatesAnnual Meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Freedom of Expression Division. Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, United States: 14.11.2019 Further information
Martin J. Riedl, Kirsten Gollatz, Jens Pohlmann.
Scoping new policy frameworks for local broadband networksTPRC47: Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy. American University, Washington, D.C., United States: 20.09.2019 Further information
Sharon Strover, Martin J. Riedl, Selena Dickey
Hashtag #NSFW #Tumblr: What the Tumblr ban means for platform migration.Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Sheraton New Orleans, New Orleans, United States: 04.09.2019 Further information
Martin J. Riedl.
Responding to online disagreement comments: It’s not what you say, but how you say itAssociation for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Annual Conference, Newspaper and Online News Division. Sheraton Centre Toronto, Toronto, Canada: 08.08.2019 Further information
Gina M. Chen, Marc Ziegele, Martin J. Riedl, Pablo Jost, Teresa Naab.
Going against the flow: How incivility influences comment moderatorsAnnual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division. Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C., United States: 28.05.2019 Further information
Martin J. Riedl, Gina M. Chen, Kelsey N. Whipple.
Taming incivility in online comment streamsAnnual Meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Mass Communication Division. Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, United States: 08.11.2018 Further information
Gina M. Chen, Martin J. Riedl, Q. Elyse Huang.
Who put the ‘social’ in social payment platforms? Re-reading Simmel and colleagues in light of the Cambrian explosionAnnual meeting of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR). Le Centre Sheraton Montréal Hotel, Montréal, Canada: 10.10.2018 Further information
Martin J. Riedl
Holding platforms accountable: Content moderation, Logan Paul, and good old pathetic dotIPP2018: Internet, Policy and Politics 2018: Long Live Democracy?. Oxford Internet Institute, St. Anne's College, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom: 20.09.2018 Further information
Martin J. Riedl
Toward safer crowdsourced content moderation6th ACM Collective Intelligence Conference. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland: 07.07.2018 Further information
Brandon Dang, Martin J. Riedl, Matthew Lease
But Who Protects the Moderators? The Case of Crowdsourced Image Moderation6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2018). University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland: 05.07.2018 Further information
Brandon Dang, Martin J. Riedl, Matthew Lease.
Organisation of events
Content Moderation and Platform AccountabilityContent Moderation and Platform Accountability – Lunch talk with Martin J. Riedl. From 27.06.2018 to 27.06.2018. Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (National) Further information
Martin J. Riedl
Media appearances
Hey comment mods, you doin’ okay? A new study shows moderating uncivil comments reduces the moderator’s trust in news (18.07.2019). Nieman Lab
Further information

Associate researcher: The evolving digital society