Robin P. G. Tech
Robin P. G. Tech is a researcher at the HIIG. He is the principal investigator of a research group that focuses on the entrepreneurial exploitation of the ‘internet of things’. His doctoral thesis focused on high-tech startups and how their complexities affect financing constraints.
Prior to this, Robin studied Economics and Corporate Management at Zeppelin University (BA), Technology, Sociology, & Management (MSc) in Stockholm, and did his MBA in Hong Kong. In his non-academic life, Robin is the co-founder of AtomLeap, a high-tech focused startup. He also worked in venture capital (2007), held a consulting position at the curating office Buro17 in Moscow (2009), worked for AUDI on inductive charging systems (2010-2011) and at the European Commission’s EIT Labs (2012-2013) in the field of business modeling for renewable energies.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Dopfer, M., Grafenstein v., M., Richter, N., Schildhauer, T., Tech, R., Trifonov, S., & Wrobel, M. (2015). Fördernde und Hindernde Faktoren Für Internet-Enabled Startups (Supporting and Hindering Factors for Internet-Enabled Startups). HIIG Discussion Paper Series, 2015(06). Publication details
Tech, R. P. G. (2014). Crowdfunding for hardware startups. Proceedings from ECIS ‘14: European Conference on Information Systems.. Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Tech, R. (2018). Startup Financing in Berlin. In P. Jackson, N. Richter, T. Schildhauer (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Innovation and Leadership. Preparing for a Digital Future. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave McMillan. Publication details
Tech, R. P. G., Ferdinand, J.-P., & Dopfer, M. (2016). Open source hardware startups and their communities. In J.-P. Ferdinand; U., Petschow, & S. Dickel (Eds.), The Decentralized and Networked Future of Value Creation (pp. 129-145). Heidelberg: Springer. Publication details
Working paper
Schmeiss, J., Stephany, F., & Tech, R. (2019). The Business Model as Mediator during Socio-Technical Transitions – Empirical Evidence from Applied AI Technology Startups in the Energy and Transportation Sector. SocArXiv. DOI: 10.31235/ Publication details
Neumann, E.K., Send, H., Tech, R.P.G. (2017). Central components of open business models. What makes an open business model open? HIIG Discussion Paper Series. Publication details
Dopfer M., Grafenstein, M. v., Richter, N., Schildhauer, T., Tech, R. P. G., Trifonov, S., Wrobel, M. (2015). Fördernde Und Hindernde Faktoren Für Internet-Enabled Startups. (Supporting and Hindering Factors for Internet-Enabled Startups.). HIIG Discussion Paper Series. Publication details
Friesike, S. and Send, H. & Tech, R. P. G. (2014). What Do Consumers Use 3D Printers For? SSRN. Publication details
Other publications
Tech, R. P. G. (2017). Augmented and virtual reality applications that matter. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Tech, R. P. G. (2017). Startup and tech trends 2017. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Pernice, I. , Schildhauer, T., Tech R., & Djeffal, C. (Eds.) (2017). IOT & TRUST – Researchers Conference Booklet. Eine Studie des Alexander von Humboldt Instituts für Internet und Gesellschaft. Publication details
Tech, R. P. G. (2016). Berliner Startup-Gründer hat einen flammenden Appell an die Generation Y. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Tech, R. P. G. (2016). The future roles of cars. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Tech, R. P. G. (2016). Robots! Be like Buddha! Why we think Wall-E and BB8 are cute and fortune teller robots are creepy. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Tech, R. P. G. (2016). The state of AI in 2015. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Tech, R. P. G. (2015). Franco-German conference on the digitization of the economy. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Tech, R. P. G. (2015). Robin Tech in the Committee ‘The Digital Agenda’ of the German Bundestag. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Robin P. G. Tech (2014). Hardware startup funding — What makes it so different from software startups? Web Magazin; Magazin für digitale Arbeit und Kultur. Publication details
Robin P. G. Tech (2014). How Postmodern is 3D Printing? Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Robin P. G. Tech (2014). Startup Funding for the Post-Growth Era. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Robin P. G. Tech (2014). Will 3D printing Lead Us into a New Era of Production and Consumption? A peek behind the curtain of the hype. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Lectures and presentations
A Venture's Business Model Design Modes - A process perspective on business model designR&D Management Conference 2017. KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium: 04.07.2017
Jessica Schmeiss, Thomas Möllers, T., Robin Tech
Blockchain technology & open source sensor networksIKZW. Laboratorium Fertigungstechnik (LaFT). Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg, Germany: 14.12.2016
Robin P. G. Tech, Konstanze Neumann, Michel Wendelin
Organisation of events
Track III: In law we trust - in IoT we trust?IoT & Trust. From 23.02.2017 to 23.02.2017. Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany (International)
Christian Djeffal, Julian Hölzel, Robin P. G. Tech
Financing hardware startupsStartup Camp Berlin. From 08.04.2016 to 09.04.2016. Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany (National)
Robin P. G. Tech
Media appearances
Intelligentes Voice Banking braucht noch Zeit (03.12.2018). Der Bank Blog
Further information
FDP-Chef Lindner: "Jahr für Jahr verliert unser Land Unternehmen" (28.11.2016). Huffington Post
Further information
Berliner Startup-Gründer hat einen flammenden Appell an die Generation Y (19.10.2016). Huffington Post
Further information
Hardware, Software, Design, Business – die Mischung macht’s! Interview mit Robin Tech zum Hardware IoT Camp (05.04.2016).
Further information

Former Project Manager: IoT & eGovernment
T. +49(0)30 2007-6082