Stefan Baack
Stefan Baack was a research fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.
His research was about the interconnections between hackers and data journalists and the related effects of ‘datafication’, the ongoing and increasingly ubiquitous quantification and categorization of culture and society.
Baack, S. (2018). Knowing what counts: How journalists and civic technologists use and imagine data. Groningen: University of Groningen. Publication details
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Baack, S. (2018). Practically Engaged: The Entanglements between Data Journalism and Civic Tech. Digital Journalism, 6(6), 673-692. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2017.1375382 Publication details
Baack, S. (2018). Civic Tech at mySociety: How the Imagined Affordances of Data Shape Data Activism. Krisis, 2018(1), 44-56. Publication details
Baack, S. (2016). What big data leaks tell us about the future of journalism – and its past. Internet Policy Review. Publication details
Baack, S., Velkova, J., Kubitschko, S., Ferrer, R., & Handler, R. (2016). Acting through technology: The proliferation of open source practices and its consequences. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research. Publication details
Baack, S. (2015). Datafication and empowerment: How the open data movement re-articulates notions of democracy, participation, and journalism. Big Data & Society, 2(2). Publication details
Book contributions and chapters
Baack, S. (2013). A New Style of News Reporting. Wikileaks and Data-Driven Journalism. In Rambatan, B. & Johanssen, J., Cyborg subjects: discourses on digital culture (pp. 113-122). [S.l.]: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Publication details
Other publications
Djeffal, C. & Baack, S. (2017). Kunde, Zeitungsleser oder Aktivist? BürgerInnen im Kontext der Verwaltungsdigitalisierung. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Baack, S., Badiei, F., & Hölzel, J. (2017). Blockchain technology: From privacy advocacy to supply chains. Digital Society Blog. Publication details
Baack, S. (2012). Gibt es ein ‘Open Movement’? Publication details
Lectures and presentations
Peripheral entanglements. How civic tech and data journalism expand and cement journalistic discourses and practices7th European Communication Conference (ECC) "Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation" (Session: Data journalism: Studying a maturing field). Palazzo Congressi, Lugano, Switzerland: 01.11.2018 Further information
Stefan Baack
Data journalism and its blurry boundaries: the relationship between data journalists and civic technologistsSciCAR (Session: Daten in der Demokratie). TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany: 26.09.2018 Further information
Stefan Baack
Leaking: Nur Strohfeuer, oder Ausdruck einer nachhaltigen Veränderung im Journalismus?#krassmedial: Gute Daten, schlechte Daten. ver.di. ver.di-Bildungs- und Begegnungszentrum, Berlin, Germany: 23.06.2018 Further information
Stefan Baack
Fact-checking and journalistic discourse. The perceived influence of data driven non-profits in AfricaICA Annual Conference 2018 (Session: Journalism's Truth Claims). Hilton Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic: 27.05.2018 Further information
Stefan Baack

Former Associated Researcher