Stefan Dietzel, Dr.
Dr. Stefan Dietzel was an associated researcher at HIIG.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Hager, S., John, P., Dietzel, S., Scheuermann, B. (2018). RuleBender: Tree-based policy transformations for practical packet classification systems. Elsevier Computer Networks, 135, 253-265. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2018.02.019 Publication details
Schaeffer, M., Naumann R., Dietzel, S., Scheuermann, B. (2018). Hierarchical Layer Selection with Low Overhead in Prioritized Network Coding. IFIP Networking 2018 Proceedings. Publication details
Organisation of events
Regulatorische Aspekte von KryptowährungenDigitale Währungen (M.A. Informatik/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). with attending Vip: Samuel Brack. From 18.04.2017 to 18.07.2017. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, RUD 25, Raum 3.113, Berlin, Germany (National)
Stefan Dietzel, Julian Hölzel

Former Associated Researcher: Data, actors, infrastructures
Research issues in focus
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