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Summer School: Dealing with hostility in science communication

As researchers, we are increasingly expected to demonstrate societal impact of our work. But going public can, in some cases, lead to unwelcome and aggressive reactions: verbal attacks, hate speech, trolling or even physical threats. Why should one go public if they are consistently being attacked and discredited as an expert? It is important that the voice of science is not silenced and that important work in areas such as climate change or gender studies can continue. 

This summer school is created for researchers from all career stages, all disciplines that engage in communication with non-academic audiences, either in broader public communication, science-policy advice, citizen science projects or else. The training was created by a group of professional science communicators and public engagement experts.

What can you expect?

Our Summer School offers you the opportunity to deepen your skills in science communication and learn how to deal with hostility. Through interactive workshops and discussions, you will:

Get to know and try out a variety of tools and formats used in science communication.
Develop a broad understanding of the different tools and formats of science communication.
Learn strategies for the management and prevention of hostility and negative reactions.
Develop your own communication strategies for dealing with online and offline hostility and test them in real-life scenarios.


The Summer School will take place at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. The Call for Participation with further details and the date of the Summer School will be launched soon. If you would like to be informed about the status of the Call for Participation, please contact Nataliia Sokolovska:

Involved Institutions

The programme is part of the Capacities and Competencies in Dealing with Hate Speech and Hostility towards Science (CAPAZ) project network. It explores hostility towards researchers and develops institutional resources to protect them from hostility towards science, both online and offline.

The workshop format was developed in close collaboration with leading experts in science communication and public engagement. It was developed under the leadership of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), the Berlin School of Public Engagement (BSOPE) at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (MfN) and Scicomm-Support.


Nataliia Sokolovska

Head of Research Programme: Knowledge & Society