Timo Jakobi, Dr.
Dr. Timo Jakobi was project manager in the field of data governance for data-driven urban planning at HIIG.
He is also co-lead of the Institute of Consumer Informatics. His research focuses on the research and development of usable support mechanisms for the explanation and management of data in ICT applications.
In particular, Timo is active at the interface of user research to law in order to provide the definition and interpretation of (data protection) law with a robust, empirical perspective of consumers.
Journal articles and conference proceedings
Grafenstein, M. v., Jakobi, T., & Stevens, G. (2021). Effective data protection by design through interdisciplinary research methods: The example of effective purpose specification by applying user-Centred UX-design methods. Computer Law & Security Review, 46. DOI: 10.1016/j.clsr.2022.105722 Publication details

Former Project Lead: Actors, Data and Infrastructures