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Tina Krell

Tina Krell is a researcher in the research group “Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society”. She works on the projects DaPla SMEs and Platform Alternatives. She is also the coordinator for the Task Force European Platform Economy. She is currently on parental leave.

She did her Master’s at the London School of Economics with a focus on ICT policy and empirical research methods. A course in the international political economy got her focused on the cross-border flow of data, content, and trade in services. For that, she finished an additional diploma in copyright law with the Berkman Klein Center. During her studies, she was honored with a stipend from the HBS foundation. She is also a proud alumna of the Young Titans Summer Academy 2018, a member of the G20 Young Global Changers community, and a research ambassador for the city of Berlin.

Before joining, she worked in research and policy for the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva, and as a research and insights analyst for a startup in London.

Journal articles and conference proceedings

Meier, P., Friederici, N., Krell-Sun, T., & Trabucchi, D. (2024). Strategies for Designing and Growing Business-to-Business Platforms A Study of Six Cases Across Industrial Sectors in Germany. Research-Technology Management, 67(2), 44–56. DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2023.2299633 Publication details

Working paper

Krell, T., Braesemann, F., Stephany, F., Friederici, N., & Meier, P. (2020). A Mixed-Method Landscape Analysis of SME-focused B2B Platforms in Germany. Social Science Research Network. Publication details

Other publications

Krell, T. (2021). Caught in the jungle of bureaucracy? Can European Platform Entrepreneurship succeed? Digital Society Blog. Publication details

Krell, T. (2020). Packaging and scholarship – a summary of Zuboff’s talk during the Making Sense of the Digital Society lecture series. Digital society blog. Publication details

Lehdonvirta, V., Park, S., Krell, T., & Friederici, N. (2020). Platformization in Europe. Global and local digital intermediaries in the retail, taxi, and food delivery industries, . Publication details

Friederici, N., Krell, T., Meier, P., Braesemann, F., & Stephany, F. (2020). Plattforminnovation im Mittelstand, . Publication details

Lectures and presentations

“One strategy does not fit all” – A typology of European platform competition.
Session E: Platform Economy. BEYOND4.0 Conference. Online, Sofia, Bulgaria: 01.10.2021 Further information

Tina Krell, Nicolas Friederici

Governance of SME-focused Data Cooperation Platforms in Germany
ISPIM Conference 2020 (Session: Research in Progress: Platforms and Ecosystems). ISPIM, Online, Germany: 09.06.2020 Further information

Tina Krell

Analysing the relatedness of YouTube video search ranking and video monetization
Platform Economy Seminar Series (Session: Platform Economy Seminar Series). Platform Economy Interest Group. Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, UK: 05.05.2020

Tina Krell


Airbnb, Uber, Lieferando: Die Zukunft der Wirtschaft?
Berlin Science Week 1–10 Nov. Einstein Center Digital Future, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Weizenbaum-Institut, Berlin, Germany: 03.11.2021 Further information

Tina Krell

Future of Work After Covid-19: Opportunities and Challenges of Platform Cooperativism
PLUS Project – Platform Labour in Urban Spaces. Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Online, Italy: 04.06.2021

Tina Krell

Leibniz Media Lunch Talk: Der Corona-Effekt: Pandemiebekämpfung durch digitale Medien in China und Europa. Leibniz Institute for media research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI). Online, Hamburg, Germany: 28.04.2020 Further information

Jörg Pohle, Tina Krell, Deniz Erden, Wolfgang Schulz

Organisation of events

Platform Entrepreneurship & Society. Lunch Talk with Inge Graef, Jovana Karanović and Christian Fieseler
Open Lunch Talk Series. 27.09.2021. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Online, Germany (International) Further information

Maria Gradl, Lena Starke, Tina Krell, Nicolas Friederici

Roundtable: Data Governance in Digital Platform Economy
From 23.06.2021 to 23.06.2021. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Online, Germany. Co-Organised by: Oxford Internet Institute & European Commission (National)

Asal Dardan, Lea Erlenwein, Lena Starke, Tina Krell, Matthias C. Kettemann

Roundtable: Treatment of users and complementors
21.04.2021. Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Online, Germany. Co-Organised by: Oxford Internet Institute & European Commission (International)

Asal Dardan, Lea Erlenwein, Lena Starke, Tina Krell

Policy Co-Creation Workshop
17.06.2020. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Federal Ministry of Finance (National)

Tina Krell, Nicolas Friederici, Philip Meier

Platform Entrepreneurship in Europe: Which Business Models are Viable and Sustainable?
03.06.2020. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Oxford Internet Institute (International) Further information

Asal Dardan, Lena Starke, Tina Krell, Nicolas Friederici

Digitaler Salon: Data Kolumna
27.05.2020. Online, Berlin, Germany. Co-Organised by: Kooperative Berlin (National) Further information

Tina Krell

Tina Krell | HIIG


Former Associated Researcher: Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society

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