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Visiting researcher programme

As a visiting researcher at HIIG you have the opportunity to enrich your advanced doctoral studies or postdoc projects as part of a growing scientific community in the area of internet and society.

Regardless of whether you have completed your PhD or not, we would like you to identify scholars and/or research projects at HIIG of which you think they relate best to your planned project. Multiple academic points of contact as well as the exchange within our research projects, we hope, will contribute to fruitful discussions and tangible outcomes in an interdisciplinary way. We always encourage visiting researchers to take part in the institute’s activities and actively engage with HIIG’s academics to find potential paths for future collaboration. We strive to establish a mutually beneficial exchange, so that you can take advantage of our network and we can count you as part of our network after completing your time with us.

Time frame

The programme is intended for advanced academics, who wish to spend a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months in Berlin to make use of HIIG’s research facilities. Visiting researchers may arrive at any time during the year. The acceptance of visiting researchers is subject to the capacity of HIIG.


There will be a one-time admission fee of €250 and a minimum charge of €500 for a 3 months or part month visit, and a further €500 for every beginning 3 months period thereafter. Approved visiting researchers will receive detailed payment information in advance of their arrival.


  • Secured HIIG sponsor. We can only offer places to visitors under the sponsorship of a HIIG researcher.
  • Advanced Ph.D. phase, post-doctoral scholars, or senior researchers
  • External funding or funding from home university
  • Research experience and a clearly defined internet research agenda
  • Fluency in English; command of German is appreciated

Application documents

The required documents are:

  • Completed application form, including an outline of your research (available for download here)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Latest publication or work sample covering internet research (in English or German)


The completed application form and accompanying documents must be sent by e-mail to: You may submit your application at any time, but please note that reviewing your documents may take approximately four weeks. Take this into account if you plan to apply for external funding.


Sarah Spitz

Head of Dialogue & Knowledge Transfer | Project Coordinator Human in the Loop?

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