Erste Generation der Summer Fellows
Im Frühling haben wir mit unserem “Call for Fellows” hervorragende Wissenschaftler aus aller Welt eingeladen, als Summer Fellows für den fachspezifischen Austausch an unser Institut zu kommen. Kandidaten aus allen Bereichen der Internetforschung konnten sich dafür mit unabhängigen, transdisziplinären Projekten bewerben, die interessante Anknüpfungspunkte zur Forschungsagenda des Alexander Humboldt Instituts für Internet und Gesellschaft aufzeigen konnten. Diese Möglichkeit wurde von der Forschungsgemeinschaft erfreulich gut angenommen.
Zwei unserer sorgfältig ausgewählten Fellows konnten wir bereits zum Sommerbeginn begrüßen, binnen dieses Monats wächst die Summer-Fellow-Crew noch auf familiäre vier Mitglieder an. Unsere erste Fellow-Generation am HIIG möchten wir somit herzlich willkommen heißen: Julian Ausserhofer, Dr. Ulrike Klinger, Han-Teng Liao und Giovanni Navarria. Während ihrer Zeit am HIIG unterstützen wir sie darin ihren Aufenthalt gemäß ihrer Forschungsinteressen aktiv zu gestalten, neue Aktivitäten ins Leben zu rufen und sich in unserem Forschungsprogramm beherzt einzubringen. Wir fördern den Austausch zu gemeinsamen Zielen und Erfahrungen mit unserem wachsenden internationalen Team und unseren Partnern. Natürlich halten wir unseren Blog auf dem Laufenden, bezüglich der Aktivitäten und des Wohlergehens unserer Fellows.
Wir freuen uns auf einen inspirierenden Sommer, in dem wir gemeinsam neue Perspektiven erkunden und ein neues Kapitel des internationalen Austausches mit diesen hervorragenden jungen Wissenschaftlern öffnen:
Summer fellows 2013
Julian Ausserhofer works as a research assistant at FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences’ Institute of Journalism and Public Relations in Graz, Austria and is a PhD candidate at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna. His research interests include political use of social media, open (government) data, online publishing practices and data driven journalism. Ausserhofer is a member of the board of the Open Knowledge Foundation Austria and the Interdisciplinary Internet Research Group at the University of Vienna. He blogs at ausserhofer.net. During his stay at HIIG he will do a research project in the field of data journalism
Dr. Ulrike Klinger is Senior Research and Teaching Associate at the Institute for Mass Communication and Media Research (IPMZ) at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. She has written a book on Media Governance and Pluralism in Defective Democracies, which has been honoured with the 2012 Annual Dissertation Award by the German Political Science Association. She received her doctorate from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, in 2011, after completing studies and field research in Italy and Mexico. Ulrike Klinger has published on media pluralism, media regulation and on political online communication. Recent research projects in this field focus on social media in election campaigns, the quality of online deliberation processes and the emergence of a new media logic.
A student of various disciplines, Han-Teng Liao examines how geographic and linguistic factors (humanities and social science) and hyperlinked web data (webometrics and information science) shape the sense of “fellow users” in digital networked environments. With more than twelve years of combined information science, media/communication and open source/open data working experience, his focus has been on user-generated content and data, Web analytics (webometrics), Chinese Internet Research and integrated research designs (both qualitative and quantitative), He enjoys networking with professionals on the geographic and linguistic growth/dynamics/exchanges of the Internet. He holds an MSc in Computer Science and Information Engineering, an MA in Journalism, a BSc in Electrical Engineering and a BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures. At the Oxford Internet Institute, his PhD project compares two Chinese user-contributed encyclopedias, Chinese Wikipedia and Baidu Baike.
Giovanni Navarria is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow based at the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights at the University of Sydney. He is currently working on a research project focussing on the effects communication media have on prevailing power-dynamics between state and citizens in the authoritarian regimes of the Asia-Pacific region. He is also completing a book on the changing meanings of power and civic engagement in technologically advanced societies. Dr. Navarria holds a PhD in Politics and Media from the University of Westminster and a Degree in Philosophy from the University of Catania. His personal website is http://www.giovanninavarria.com/