Artificial Intelligence & Work – Lunch Talk
Unser digitaler Lunch-Talk zum Thema „Artificial Intelligence & Work“ findet am 10. Juni 2021, um 13 Uhr CEST statt. Die Referent*innen sind Florian Butollo, Forschungsgruppenleiter am Weizenbaum Institut, Marie-Christin Fregin, Forschungsleiterin am Maastricht University’s Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market und Georg von Richthofen, Senior Researcher am Humboldt Institut for Internet & Society Berlin. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt, weitere Informationen untenstehend.
Lunch Talk with Florian Butollo, Marie-Christin Fregin and Georg von Richthofen
Thursday, 10 June 2021 | 1 pm | Online
Researchers from various disciplines try to make sense of how the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) could impact and shape the world of work. In this second lunch talk, we explore how researchers can study this phenomena from various perspectives. Florian Butollo will draw both on his research and his experience as a member of the Enquete-Kommission of the German Bundestag on AI, to talk about the relevance of studying the adoption of AI in the world of work and topics that seem particularly important to study in context of this larger phenomenon. Georg von Richthofen will talk about using case study research to explore the adoption of AI in the workplace. Marie-Christine Fregin will explain how field experiments can be used to shed light on the impact of AI and automation on work. In addition, she will talk about the benefits of conducting research on the impact of AI in transdisciplinary teams with AI experts, worker representatives and policy makers.
Florian Butollo is leader of the research group “Working in Highly-Automated Digital-Hybrid Processes” at the Weizenbaum Institut for the Networked Society. Until October of 2018, he was an advisor to the Enquete Commission “Artificial Intelligence Social Responsibility and Economic, Social and Ecological Potential” in German Parliament. His research asks how technological change affects economic organization and work, with a particular focus on the internet of things and AI.
Marie-Christin Fregin is Research Leader at Maastricht University´s Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA). Her research focuses on Artificial Intelligence and how AI implementation affects workers’ tasks, skills requirements, productivity, well-being and sustainable employability. She works with transdisciplinary teams at the interface of science, industry and politics. Moreover, she is a member of the EU-Horizon 2020 consortium TECHNEQUALITY and the scientific coordinator of a research collaboration between ROA and a multinational energy player, entitled “FutureFit Workforce”.
Georg von Richthofen is senior researcher in the Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Society research group at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), where he is leading the research project “Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Work – Implications, Opportunities and Risks.” The research project is part of the focus group on “Artificial Intelligence in the World of Work” of the German Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs. His further research focuses on the sharing economy and digital consumption.
Shirley Ogolla is a researcher at the HIIG studying the implications of artificial intelligence in knowledge work together with Dr. Georg von Richthofen. Previously, she conducted a research project investigating the relation of co-determination and new participatory platforms online. As an affiliate at metalab at Harvard University she is passionate about translating her academic work into interactive art installations for the general public.
Lunch Talk Series: The Future of Digital Entrepreneurship & Innovation Research
The Lunch Talk series consists of four talks spread over 2021. Our aim is to come together for an inspiring digital lunch break and to exchange ideas about the future of digital entrepreneurship & innovation research.
To participate in the event, please register using the form below.You will receive the login details on the day of the event.
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