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Blockchain for Science – Hack’n’Share Weekend

PD Dr. Sönke Bartling, assoziierter Forscher am HIIG, lädt zum gemeinsamen Hack’n’Share Weekend zum Thema Blockchain for Science am 27. bis 29. Oktober ein. Das Hack’n’Share Wochenende bringt die Blockchain-Tech-Community in interessanten Diskussionen und Talk-Sessions mit Wissenschaftlern zusammen. Aktiv werden und sich engagieren wird nicht zu kurz kommen: Alle Teilnehmer sind dazu eingeladen, ihre Laptops mitzubringen! Weitere Informationen zum genauen Programm in englischer Sprache unten.

organized by PD Dr Sönke Bartling, James Littlejohn & Roman Gonitel
27 to 29 October 2017
Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society | Französische Str. 9 | 10117 Berlin

The blockchain revolution offers great potential for Science and Knowledge creation. Immutable data trails, novel means to research money distribution and even crowdfunding methods arise – just to name a few.

A very exciting concept is the living knowledge network. The easiest way to explain it is to draw an analogy to bitcoin: Replace the bitcoin scripts with scientific conclusions and see the consensus mechanism that keeps the bitcoin blockchain honest as a mean to keep science meaningful and honest – all incentivised by a Knowledge token, just like bitcoin mining is incentivised by an intrinsic value on the bitcoin blockchain.

This Hack’n’Share Weekend aims at bringing the blockchain tech community together with scientists, create engagement and hope to win talent for the living knowledge network. There will be lightning talks, discussion rounds and lots of hands on. Bring your own laptop! (PC, MAC, LINUX), install node.js, git and other standard developer tools.

Program (preliminary)

Planned breakouts


  • Lambert Heller, TIB, Hannover, on blockchainified data storing
  • Dr Shermin Voshmgir, BlockchainHub, Berlin, on cryptoeconomy for science
  • Prof Volker Skwarek, HAW, Hamburg, on setting up a Science Blockchain
  • Prof Mark Turrell on the (blockchain) future of Science
  • Felix Ohswald, knowledge.space, on finding an universal system of assessing the value of knowledge (on the blockchain)
  • Prof Ulrich Dirnagl, Charité, Berlin, on the current status of open science (most likely)
  • Dr Medhi Benchoufi, Université Paris Descartes, on using blockchain for clinical studies (most likely)


Friday, 27 October 

19:00Kickoff Meetup with presentations on blockchain for science @ HIIG
21:00Get together @ Bar

Saturday, 28 October

10:00Introduction by James Littlejohn
10:30 – 13:00Talk session
13:00Pizza & Soda (provided)
14:00 – 15:00Talk session
15:00Team Building & Coffee
21:00Get together @ Restaurant/ Bar

Sunday, 29 October

10:00Talk session
13:00Pizza & Soda (provided)
16:00Show case and closing

For more information of Blockchain for Science and knowledge creation see the living document on ‚Blockchain For Open Science and Knowledge Creation‘.

Interested? To participate in this event, please sign up on Meetup for Friday evening and via Eventbrite for the Weekend.

Datum der Veranstaltung

27.10.2017 - 29.10.2017 ical | gcal


Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft,  Französische Straße 9,  10117 Berlin


Sönke Bartling, PD Dr. med.

Ehem. Assoziierter Forscher: Wissen & Gesellschaft

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