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Data Access Rights – Lunch talk with Alfred Früh

Am 17. Juli findet ein öffentlicher Brown-Bag Lunch in der Küche des Instituts statt. Alfred Früh, Gastforscher am HIIG, wird sich mit der Frage auseinandersetzen, ob es in der Datenökonomie einen neuen Interessenausgleich durch Datenzugangsrechte braucht. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt, bei Interesse registrieren Sie sich bitte vorab über untenstehendes Anmeldeformular.

Lunch talk with Alfred Früh
Data Access Rights
Tuesday, 17 July 2018 · 1 pm · HIIG Kitchen

Alfred Früh will address the question whether law should provide access rights to privately held data. As data is generally held in private silos, granting access under specific conditions could re-balance interests in the data economy. Whether such re-balancing is appropriate, however, depends on the specific circumstances of the case at hand. In his current research, Alfred Früh thus makes a first attempt to group individual cases with common traits and examines them. This leads to preliminary insights on whether specific access rights are needed and how they should be designed. The presentation is based on his ongoing research on data policy at the Center for Information Technology, Society, and Law (ITSL) at the University of Zurich.

Alfred Früh is a Visiting Researcher at HIIG and currently examines how new technologies affect (market) transparency in the digital economy. His further research focuses on the law of the Digital Society, on Data Policy, Intellectual Property as well as Competition Law. He teaches and works at the University of Zurich and is the Managing Director of ITSL.


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Datum der Veranstaltung

17.07.2018 | 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm ical | gcal


Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft,  Französische Straße 9,  10117 Berlin


Konrad Muschick

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