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Die Zukunft des Open Access in Deutschland

In den vergangenen zwei Jahren haben sich mehr als 150 deutsche Forschungseinrichtungen zu einer Koalition zusammengeschlossen, um Wissenschaftsverlage zu ermutigen, neue Lizenzvereinbarungen für Open Access wissenschaftliche Inhalte zu schließen. Die Verhandlungen der DEAL-Konsortien sind bisher die umfassendste Aktion für Open Access in Deutschland und möglicherweise weltweit. Im Juli wurde bekannt gegeben, dass die Verhandlungen zwischen DEAL und Elsevier, dem größten Wissenschaftsverlag, zum zweiten Mal ausgesetzt wurden.

Zwar scheint der Prozess, den Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Publikationen zu vereinfachen, an Tempo zu gewinnen, doch ist noch unklar, wie die Zukunft des Open Access genau aussehen wird. In diesem Treffen werden wir mit Dr. Nick Fowler (Chief Academic Officer von Elsevier) und Gerard Meijer (Mitglied des Wissenschaftsrats) über die DEAL-Verhandlungen und die Zukunft des Open Access in Deutschland diskutieren.

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt und beginnt pünktlich um 19 Uhr. Bitte registrieren Sie sich über die Meetup-Seite

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Die Zukunft des Open Access in Deutschland:
Was ist der große DEAL?
13.08.2018 | 19.00 Uhr | HIIG | Französische Straße 9 | 10117 Berlin

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Over the past two years, more than 150 German research institutions have banded together to form a coalition in order to encourage academic publishers to adopt new licensing agreements for open access scholarly content. What is new? In the past, institutions bought individual subscriptions to specific journals, that would then be available for researchers associated with these institutions. The coalition is proposing a model in which a single, annual lump sum would be paid to the publishers, in order to make all publications offered by a publisher open access to scholars associated with a DEAL institution and cover the open access publication costs (APCs) of all papers written by German scholars.

The negotiations of the DEAL consortia is so-far the most comprehensive action towards open access in Germany, and possibly worldwide. It challenges the traditional business model of academic publishing. Not surprisingly, academic publishers – most notably Elsevier – have been reluctant to agree, arguing that the Publish-and-Read model can play an important role in a transition towards open access but its currently financially unrealistic. In July it was announced that the negotiations between DEAL and Elsevier, the largest academic publisher, were put on hold – for a second time.

While it seems that open access is gaining pace, it is still unclear what the future of open access will look like. In this meetup we will discuss about the DEAL negotiations and the future of open access in Germany.

The meetup will take place on the occasion of the 1 year anniversary of the blog journal Elephant in the Lab and the upcoming issue on Open Science.


7.00 pm: Welcome note from Elephant in the lab (Christian Kobsda, Elephant in the Lab) and Introduction (Benedikt Fecher, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society)
7.15 pm: Statement from Nick Fowler (Chief Academic Officer and Managing Director Research Networks at Elsevier)
7.30 pm: Statement from Gerard Meijer (Director and Scientific Member at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society and a member of the science council (Wissenschaftsrat))
7.45 pm: Discussion + Q&As (Moderation by Benedikt Fecher)
8.15 pm: Reception with beer and pizza at the HIIG patio


Dr. Nick Fowler is Chief Academic Officer and Managing Director Research Networks at Elsevier. He leads Elsevier’s Research Marketing group, which is responsible for defining and communicating how Elsevier delivers value to the world of research, i.e. researchers, librarians, research leaders, funders and governments. Nick Fowler also leads the Global Strategic Networks team, which collaborates with senior leaders from the world’s leading universities and research policy-makers globally. Nick joined Elsevier in 2003 and was Director of Strategy from 2005-2012.

Prof. Dr. Gerard Meijer is Director and Scientific Member at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society (Berlin) and a member of the science council (Wissenschaftsrat). As the president of the Executive Board of Radboud University Nijmegen, Gerard Meijer was part of the Dutch negotiation commission that has been in talks with eight major publishers, which together account for 70 to 80 percent of the turnover of all Dutch scientific publications.

Datum der Veranstaltung

13.08.2018 | 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm ical | gcal


Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft,  Französische Straße 9,  10117 Berlin


Konrad Muschick

Former Student Assistant: Events and Knowledge Transfer

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