Early Stage Researchers Colloquium 2014 | Konferenz
Am 9. Oktober veranstalteten wir zum dritten mal unser jährliches Kolloquium, das Berlin Early Stage Researchers Colloquium on Internet and Society. Die Ausschreibung zur aktiven Teilnahme richtete sich vor allem an Promovierende und PostDocs; die Veranstaltung fand auf Englisch statt.
Das diesjährige Kolloquium bot zwei themenspezifische Tracks:
PAY PER PIXEL In the near future, we will be paying for movies according to the size of the screen that it is displayed on, as stated by Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of DreamWorks Animation. Whether that will actually happen remains to be seen, however it is clear that business models are changing rapidly due to the digital switch and correspondingly changing user expectations and behaviours. In the ESRC we will talk about how audiovisual media (e.g. film, animation, games, television etc) can cope with these dynamic circumstances. In specific on how new business models occur that adjust to the changing viewing behavior of users. What implications does this have on copyright legislation and on data protection as well as on the norms and regulations that emerge outside the legal realm? We regard this theme from a multidisciplinary perspective, and welcome contributions from the area of media studies, law, social sciences and economics. During the session, academics and people working in the field will participate in the discussion and provide a practical angle. » MEHR |
PRIVATE INFORMATION – OPEN DEBATES Privacy debates in the age of the Internet are prominent focal points of all the challenges arising from increased network connection, new data generation and collection techniques and conflicting cultural values. In the ESRC, we want to explore the governance of privacy works on a global scale. What are the global governance challenges of privacy? How is privacy understood and perceived in different fora and what does that mean for governing privacy? We welcome perspectives from all disciplines and from theoretical and empirical backgrounds to contribute to our debate on governance and privacy. During the session there will be very brief five-minute inputs by the authors of the papers and ample of room for discussion and the generation of new ideas. » MEHR |
Sie finden Zusammenfassungen der beiden Tracks unter folgenden Links:
PAY PER PIXEL: (At least) six perspectives on audio-visual media – Impressions from the 2014 Early Stage Researchers Colloquium von Rike Maier.
PRIVATE INFORMATION – OPEN DEBATES: Private Information – Open Debates @ ESRC 2014 von Ulrike Höppner und Jörg Pohle.
Diese exklusive Vorlesungsreihe entwickelt eine europäische Perspektive zu den aktuellen Transformationsprozessen innerhalb unserer Gesellschaft.
Einmal im Monat laden wir ausgewählte Gäste ein, um gemeinsam mit dem Publikum über die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Gesellschaft zu sprechen.
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